1.Removing upwind/downwind ambiguity of ocean wind direction by polarimetric microwave radiometer:Algorithmic basis一种消除全极化微波辐射计顺/逆风向遥感模糊性的新方案——算法研究(英文)

1.adverse winds, weather conditions, circumstances逆风、 恶劣的天气、 逆境.
2.sail closer to the wind than.比……更向逆风行驶。
3.To sail in the direction from which the wind blows.逆风而行,抢风而行
4.In a direction away from the wind.逆风,与风向相反的
5.An Explanation of Nifeng and Nifengjia in Shishuoxinyu《世说新语》“逆风”、“逆风家”释义
6.Walking in the teeth of the wind, they made slow progress.他们逆风而行,走得很慢。
7.Against a head wind you made very little headway.逆风而行,速度不快。
8.(in sailing)pass on the windward side of(sth)(船航行时)逆风经过(某处)
9.We're steaming in the teeth of the wind.我们的船正逆风航行。
10.The sailboat was beating along the coast.帆船沿岸边逆风而驶。
11.The sailboat beats along the coast.帆船沿岸边逆风行驶。
12.lie to; be situated to逆风时不动或几乎不动
13.The ship was delayed by contrary winds, ie blowing against the direction of travel.航船因遇逆风而延误了.
14.No heavy leading edge causing the kite to luff.没有重的前沿导致风筝对逆风行驶。
15.A wind blowing directly against the course of an aircraft or a ship.逆风与飞行器或船只的航向相反的风
16.(3) the current solutions here have spiral structure like the Ekman model, but for the strong sea state there is obvious counter wind current which almost vanishes in the weak state case.(3)强海况下,有明显的逆风流,而在弱海况下,几乎不存在逆风流。
17.the Wind having been contrary, and the Weather calm,因为尽管天气晴朗,但却一直刮着逆风
18.Strong cross breeze makes it difficult for boat to leave harbour逆风很强刮得船难以离港

HW Head Wind顶风,逆风
3)Against wind逆风、顶风
4)monsoon upwind flow季风逆风流
1.The effects of monsoon wind stress, continental slope topology andbottom friction as essential conditions to form monsoon upwind flow and as diagnosticcriteria are discussed.分析讨论了季风风应力、大陆坡地形及底摩擦在产生季风逆风流的必要条件和间接逆风流诊断判据中的作用;应用季风逆风流必要条件和间接逆风流诊断判据,解释冬季风和夏季风逆风流是如何产生的。
2.By simplifying primary motion equations, the diagnostic equations of monsoon upwind flow (DEMUF) in the northern part of South China Sea (SCS) are proposed.通过简化原始运动方程,得到南海北部季风逆风流诊断方程,对季风逆风流诊断方程进行必要的数学处理后,导出南海北部产生季风逆风流的必要条件和诊断判据;指出南海北部季风逆风流由风生直接逆风流与风生间接逆风流叠加而成,风生间接过风流由风生间接正压地转逆风流与风生间接斜压地转逆风流组成,还导出风致巴士海峡以东的黑潮水影响季风逆风流的判据,在合适的风向及适当的摩擦系数情况下,黑潮水可成为间接逆风流的热源。
5)foul wind逆风;顶头风
6)against the wind逆风,顶着风

逆风1.指反风向;处于上风头。 2.恶风;狂风。 3.迎风;顶风。 4.跟车船等行进方向相反的风。 5.比喻不良的风气,不利于前进的思潮。