
1.In the direction in which the wind blows.顺风的顺着风吹动的方向
2.Blowing in the same direction as the course of a ship or an aircraft. Used of wind.顺风的顺船、飞机方向而吹的。用于风
3.In the same direction as the wind.顺风,借风力按与风向相同的方向
4.Study on the Wind Induced Response in Along Wind of the High-rise Building;高层建筑顺风向风荷载风致响应研究
5.We sailed all day with a free wind.我们整天顺风航行。
6.the days were fair and the winds were favorable.天气很好,又是顺风
7.As the wind got favourable, the crew put up the sails.顺风了,船员们张起帆来。
8.The yacht continued its passage with favorable winds.小艇顺风继续航行。
9.I hope you'll have a very pleasant journey.祝你一路顺风旅途快活。
10.The sailing boat was getting along fast before the wind.帆船正在顺风飞速前进。
11.Make sail with the first favorable wind.顺风一起即张帆启航。
12.The ship was going before the wind under bare poles.船未张帆顺风而驶。
13.The yacht was sailing free over the sea.游艇在海上顺风行驶。
14.We came back all the way before the wind.我们回来一路顺风
15.fastening with the fastened ends facing inward里顺头绑扎法(风筝)
16.Her success in Paris was remarkable.她在巴黎一帆风顺。
17.The prospect would not be easy.未来不会是一帆风顺的。
18.Is Brass at a premium?布拉斯一帆风顺吗?

tail wind顺风尾风
3)concurrent flow ventilation顺流通风
1.Experimental study on microwave drying of thick layer brown rice with concurrent flow ventilation was carried out.在顺流通风条件下厚层糙米的微波干燥实验结果表明 :增加微波功率 ,糙米的温度和干燥速度也会随之增加 ,但是糙米的爆腰率也会随之上升。
4)magnetite deposit顺风山
1.According to a deep study and analysis on geological data of mine production in recent thirty's years, detail descriptions on geological characters of Shunfengshan magnetite deposit are made, and ore genesis is further investigated.通过深入研究和分析 30多年来矿山生产所获得的地质资料 ,对顺风山铁矿床的矿床地质特征作出了详细的描述 ,并对矿床成因作了进一步的分析。
5)laying down style顺毛风格
1.Coherence analysis of along-wind fluctuating loads on high-rise buildings;高层建筑顺风向脉动荷载相干性研究

顺风1.顺着风向。 2.指与行进方向一致的风。 3.比喻顺从风俗;顺应时尚。 4.顺势,趁便。 5.比喻顺利﹑平安。亦常用作对出门人的祝愿。 6.宋时的一种包头软巾。