1.The readability analysis of China s insurance clauses and its popularization study;我国保险条款可读性分析及其通俗化研究
2.Simple view of popularization in teaching Treatise on Febrile Diseaeses;略论《伤寒论》教学的通俗化
3.Li Yu and Leixin all brought forward the opining towards literature for burghers and popularization in drama theory,which can offer us more visual angles to realize the extended research into classicial drama aesthetics through comparison with their character of dassicial drama aesthetics.李渔和莱辛在戏剧理论中都提到了市民化、通俗化的主张,比较这两位东西方艺术家的戏剧美学特征,对于了解和拓展古典戏剧美学的研究,能够提供更多的视角;本文认为,李渔和莱辛共同致力于戏剧通俗化的主张和实践,李渔注重于戏剧艺术的表演层面,莱辛则更具有内在的悲剧精神。

1.spoil(sth)by making it too ordinary or well known;popularize使(某事物)俗气、庸俗化或通俗化;普及.
2.On "Familiarized" Teaching in Autos "Specialized" Teaching;谈汽车“专业化”教学中的“通俗化”教学
3.Popular Culture and the Novel s Narration During the New Period;大众文化与新时期小说的通俗化叙事
4.Popularizing the Insurance Contract: Its Approaches;试论保险合同的“通俗化”及解决途径
5.On Fault and Deceit --Comments on Popularization of Legal Language;论诈欺和欺诈——兼议法律语言的通俗化
6.Discusstion on the Popularizational Characteristics of Zhu Sujin's Historical Novel Zheng He论朱苏进历史小说《郑和》的通俗化特征
7.From the international and aristocratic to the national and popular.其风格从国际化,贵族化转向民族化和通俗化
8.On the Shift of Li Shen s Poetic Style from Popularization to Elegancy;李绅诗早期的通俗化倾向与后期诗风的雅化
9.Popular and Humor Language Characteristics of Yi Zhongtian《Pin San Guo》论易中天《品三国》通俗化与幽默化的语言特征
10.tabloid journalism大众化[通俗]报纸
11.Studying on the Popular Novel Creation in the View of Folklore Culture;民俗文化视野中的通俗小说文本创作
12.Kitsch: The Presentation of Modernity Fragments of Modern Chinese Pop Literature;媚俗化:中国近现代通俗文学的现代性碎片呈现
13.Chinese movie in earlier period to popular and cultural according to save--Popular culture and cinematic development in China(一);早期中国电影对通俗文化的依存——通俗文化与中国电影的发展之一
14.Revenge Ideas in Demotic Historical Novel of the Records of Three States and the Culture of Sun-Wu Areas;《三国志通俗演义》复仇观与孙吴文化
15.A Masterpiece in the Study of Vocabulary and Customary Culture: Comment on A General Introduction to Vocabulary in Customary Culture;一部词汇与民俗文化综合研究的力作——评《民俗文化语汇通论》
16.High Culture and Popular Culture from the Perspective of Cultural Consumers;从文化消费者的视角看高雅文化与通俗文化
17.In Song and Yuan Dynasties period, the popular rhapsody was gradually declined with the diversification in form of popular literature.宋元时期,随着通俗文学形式的多样化,俗赋又渐渐隐去;
18.Views from Four Scholars about the Third Revised Edition of Jin Yong s Novels;金庸小说再修改:通俗文学、大众传媒、世俗化社会的互动

1.Ray Huang s "1587,A Year of No Significance" turns out to be a ballad of popularized narrative offering,in English,stories of Eastern history to the occidental scholars and lay readers ever since it was present to the Western academe of historiography.从历史铭刻在本体上的相对原始印迹看,《万历十五年》在其相当通俗化和文学性的叙事中恒持着历史的真实。
2.To develop political and ideological work in the countryside,three main problems must be solved:first,the abstract theory has to be made concrete and popularized;second,the people need to be convinced by reasoning;third,the policies to benefit the people need to be carried out to prove the correctness of ideological and political work.农村不同于城市,具有自身的特殊性,在农村开展思想政治工作,应着力解决好三个问题:一要把抽象的理论通俗化,让农民听得进、听得懂;二要以理服人,让真理征服人心;三要贯彻物质利益原则,让切切实实的利益来证明思想政治工作的正确性。
3)popular culture通俗文化
1.Fusion of Critical theory and Sociology of Literature——Analysis of Lowenthal s Methodology of Studies on Popular Culture;批判理论与文学社会学方法的融会贯通——洛文塔尔通俗文化研究方法解析
2.The school s stress on media research is related with its academic tradition that gives emphasis on the role media plays in the modern society,the popular culture and the relationship between culture and power.该学派重视传媒研究 ,与传媒在现代社会中的重要地位及该学派重视通俗文化及文化与权力之间关系的学术传统有关。
3.High culture and popular culture,two forms of culture since ancient times,have undergone remarkable changes since modem times.高雅文化与通俗文化是自古有之的两种不同类型的文化,但在近代以来发生了明显的变化。
4)Teaching respectively for students of different levels通俗化教学
5)the tendency towards popularization通俗化倾向
6)pop culture;pop psychology.通俗文化;通俗心理学

公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)axiomatical method  gongllbuafangfa公理化方法化和形式化。(axiomatieal method)见公理