1.The Study of the Honest Government Thought of Zhenguan of Tang Dynasty and Its Modern Significance;贞观廉政思想及其当代意义探究
2.The Changes of Outward-grace-growth and Solid-worth-decline of Zhenguan Literary Concept;论贞观文学观念的文质消长
3.The Relations between Tang dynasty and Ashina of the Turk in Zhenguan Period贞观年间唐朝与突厥可汗阿史那氏的关系探微

1.The issue of pronunciation of "guan" in Lu Wuguan,Qin Guan and Zhen Guan陆务观、秦观、贞观的“观”字的读音问题
2.Comment on the TV Serial Play of Psalm for Zhenguan Prosperity;“贞观之治”难道是任由人打扮的女孩子——评82集电视连续剧《贞观长歌》
3.The Research of Political and Ethical Thought in Zhenguan Political History Record;《贞观政要》中的政治伦理思想探微
4.Tang Taizong s talent thoughts in Zhen Guan Zheng Yao;论《贞观政要》中唐太宗的人才思想
5.Glorious Time of Peace and Prosperity--Administration of Wenjing and Aministration of Zhengguan;治世辉煌——论文景之治与贞观之治
6.A Study on Tang Taizong s Thought of Making Best use of Personnel and Accepting Admonitions from ZHENGUANZHENGYAO;从《贞观政要》看唐太宗的用人和纳谏
7.The Legal Thought of Governors Early Period Tang Dynasty Viewed from 《Zhen Guan Zheng Yao》《贞观政要》所见唐初统治集团法律思想
8.The Discussion for Settling down the Turkic in the Period of Zhenguan贞观年间关于安置突厥问题的大讨论
9.On How Tang Taizong and Zenguan Poets s Group Constructed the Tang Poems at the Macro Level;唐太宗及贞观诗人群对唐诗宏观结构的构建
10.Li Shimin s Concept of Elegant Legitimism & Its Influence;论唐太宗的雅正文学观及其对贞观诗坛的影响
11.Imperial Culture and Literary Activity of Zhenguan Period & Study and Criticism on Literary Thoughts;贞观朝宫廷文化文学活动及文学思想考论
12.Restricted View on Feng Menglong s Emotion and Chastity Concept from History of Love;从《情史·情贞》管窥冯梦龙的“情贞”观
13.Virginity, Virtue and Reward: The View of Virginity of Pamela;贞洁·美德·报偿——论《帕梅拉》的贞洁观
14.Women are not virtuous but they have given us the idea of virtue .女人并不贞节,但她们把贞节的观念给了我们。
15.Reconstruction of Historical Evolution of the Notion of Chastity: Increasing Influence of the Notion of Chastity from Han to Tang Dynasty;贞节观念历史演进轨迹的重构——汉唐间贞节观念的不断加强
16.Critique of the Feudal View of Virtue from the Ideological Field in the May Fourth Movement“五四”思想界对封建贞操观的批判
17.Research on Virtue Concept of Higher Vocational College Students in Hangzhou;杭州市高职大学生贞操观的调查研究
18.Analysis of Women s Chastity View in Yuan Dynasty Through Biographies of Chaste Female in the History of Yuan Dynasty;从《元史·列女传》析元代妇女的贞节观

Zhenguan Prosperity Psalm贞观长歌
1.Zhenguan Prosperity Psalm,a long TV serial play broadcasted grandly in the golden times of CCTV,is actually the business play of dramatizing the history,but not the historical serious play as claimed by the producer.82集大型电视连续剧《贞观长歌》经央视黄金时段隆重推出,制作方自称是历史正剧,但实际上是戏说历史的商业片,离历史正剧的要求相差甚远。
3)chastity idea贞节观念
1.In the period of Xia,Shang and Zhou dynasties,while the private family system taking the father right as the center substituted the system taking the blood relation between mother and child,the chastity idea appeared.夏商周时代,在以父权为中心的私有制家庭取代以母子血缘为核心的自然形态的过程中,贞节观念产生了。
2.The ruling circles and the outstanding person social stratum realized that the strict chastity idea was important,so that female′s chastity was repeatedly stressed.魏晋南北朝是个乱世时代,统治阶层和精英阶层,都意识到肃严贞节观念的重要性,女子的贞节被反复强调,并出现了女子由守节到开始殉烈的趋向。
3.This text attempts to regard the phenomena of these loyal woman ,chaste girl as the research object, explore women s chastity idea of Ming Dynasty, analyse the inherent reason behind this phenomenon.本文试图以这些贞妇、贞女的守节现象为研究对象,探索明代妇女的贞节观念,并分析这一现象背后的真正原因。
4)Zhenguan period贞观时期
5)Golden Years of ZhenGuan贞观之治
1.Learning from History and Golden Years of Zhenguan;以史为鉴与“贞观之治”
6)mutual recognition and appreciation贞观治世

《贞观公私画录》  中国唐代绘画著录著作。又名《贞观公私画录》,是现存最早的一部中国绘画作品著录。裴孝源撰。裴孝源,初唐人,曾任中书舍人等官职,因受汉王李元昌赏识,得观宫廷所藏魏晋以来绘画遗迹,相与讨论。于是他就以宫廷收藏为基础,又记录了佛寺壁画与私家藏画,在贞观十三年(639)写成此书。    该书第1部分记录当时皇家及私人收藏绘画290余卷,记录内容包括作者、画名、本别(是真迹抑或摹本,是梁宫本还是隋宫本)、件数,有的还注明了质地、款识、来源、曾否著录于《梁太清目》等。第 2部分记录47所佛寺的壁画,记录内容为寺名(包括佛寺所在地)及画家姓名。    此书继已佚中国第 1部绘画著录《梁太清目》之后,发展了中国绘画著录的体例。它不但记录了初唐卷轴画的流传收藏情况,而且也记载了当时及其以前寺庙壁画的创作情况,同时还保存了已佚《梁太清目》的某些内容,在绘画史学和鉴定学上均有重要价值。    作者在理论认识上,主张发挥绘画的"教化"与"劝戒"作用,以"六法"为批评标准,重视"风神"、"巧思"和"法度",均体现了当时艺术认识的主流。对于唐代画论和美学思想的研究,也有一定参考价值。