1.Suffix "ran" in "Analects of Zhuzi";《朱子语类》中的词尾“
2.Grammatical Analysis of Adjectives of "x+ran" Kind in Zhuangzi;《庄子》“X+”类形容词语法分析
3.Suffix"ran"appeared in ancient Chinese.词尾""是上古就有的词缀,《宋书》中,后缀""不仅构词数量多,而且活动能力很强。

1.Potter: Sure,sure,sure.波特:当,当,当
2.have the audacity to (do)竟敢(做)...
3."Of course. You're very generous.""当,当,你是很慷慨的。
4.become clear suddenly.突明白,恍大悟。
5.But the next moment she flopped down on the sofa again.而她又随即嗒坐下。
6.Suddenly he pulled off his mask.后突撕下了面具。
7.Nature is conquered By oBeying her.顺从自才可征服自
8.Berries: Nature's Natural Desserts浆果??大自的天点心
9.Truth is beautiful without doubt, and so is lie .真话固美好,谎话亦
10.It's flying in the face of Nature.那是公违反自的。
11.make less natural or unnatural.使不大自或不自的。
12."Sure, sure," emphasized Clyde.“当,当”克莱德再三说。
13.nature sanctuary自保护区, 自禁猎区
14.dependent upon or characterized by chance.偶决定的或偶性。
15.What grows in Nature comes natural to them as the need arises.予索予取,自自
16.To know truly is to know by cause.不仅知其,还知所以
17.Knowing it's so, But don't know why it's so知其,不知其所以
18.absolute ignorance, silence全无知、 寂无声

1.In order to reconstruct the harmony of human and nature,we should deal with nature as Zi-ran-er-ran.为了在现代社会中重建人与自之间的和谐关系,人与自的相处应当走向自
3)Resolutely and determinedly毅然决然
4)natural nature天然自然
1.In fact,Marx\'s natural concept also implies "natural nature".马克思认为,"自在自"指优先于人的天,是人和人类社会得以存在的物质基础;"人化自"指以实践为中介的自,突出了自的"社会—历史"性质。
5)Ought to Be、to Be and Must Be应然、实然与必然

暧然1.昏暗不明貌。 2.繁茂貌。