1.On the Essential Interest of the Inversion Given by Marx to Hegelianism;论马克思对黑格尔哲学之"颠倒"的本质意蕴
2.Marx inverted Hegel s Philosophy,such as the inversion of the way in holding the world in thought and the inversion of "dropping to the ground from the sky ".马克思哲学是对传统哲学特别是黑格尔哲学的“颠倒”,主要体现在:对思想把握世界方式的颠倒、对“从天国降到人间”的颠倒、对理论和实践关系的颠倒

1.reverse procedure颠倒程序,颠倒步骤
2.The act of inverting.倒置,倒转颠倒的动作
3.She will make the world as mad as she made me.她会颠倒众生,就像她使我颠倒一样。
4.From "Rational Reversal" to "Practical Reversal";从“理性的颠倒”到“实践的颠倒
5.Put the cart before the horse.本末倒置。(颠倒次序。)(倒果为因。)
6.inverted ladder DA converter颠倒梯形数模转换器
7.calibration equipment of reversing thermometer颠倒温度表检定设备
8.O pensive infantry soldiers!呵,神魂颠倒的丘八!
9.That would be a reversal of the order of host and guest.这样做就主客颠倒了。
10.You've got it backwards.你把事情弄颠倒了。
11.You are turning things upside down and talking nonsense."你弄颠倒了,乱说一顿。”
12.You have stood production on its head.你们把生产颠倒了。
13.put on one's hat wrong side to前后颠倒地戴上帽子
14.invert the subject and predicate of a sentence.颠倒主句的主语和谓语
15.That picture is upside-down.那幅画上下颠倒了.
16.inversive language词序可自由颠倒的语言
17.(an) irresistible charm令人神魂颠倒的魅力
18.Reversal of the World, Existence of Absurdity--Interpretation of 《Upside Down》by Mo Yan;颠倒的世界 荒谬的存在——莫言《倒立》解读

1.So it fails to recognize that materialism dialectics can not reverse the Hegelian idealism dialectics, nor it investigates the reversing process deeply, it just concludes simply.对这种辩证法的颠倒不可能用抽象的物质辩证法,也不可能用抽象的含义模糊的人学辩证法即可做到,只能用实践辩证法和在此基础上建立起来的认识辩证法才能做到。
4)To overturn or overthrow.颠倒;颠覆
5)To be subjected to inversion.颠倒容易颠倒
6)reversal learning颠倒学习
1.We found that CNQX impaired rats reversal learning ability while had no significant effect on normal learning,indicating it might induce rats cognitive inflexibilities.研究利用旋转T迷宫装置,通过食物强化,分别训练大鼠视觉辨别学习和颠倒学习任务;每次训练前均向动物腹腔注射20μg/kg的谷氨酸AMPA受体拮抗剂CNQX,以考察其对大鼠学习能力的影响。

颠倒【颠倒】 (术语)如以无常为常,以苦为乐,反于本真事理之妄见也。是为无明之所使然,倒见事理也。圆觉经曰:“一切众生后无始来种种颠倒,犹如迷人四方易处。”维摩经观众生品曰:“虚妄分别孰为本。答曰:颠倒想为本。”注曰:“什曰:有无见反于法相,名为颠倒。”宗镜录七十八曰:“颠倒是烦恼根本。”