1)Er[英][,i: 'ɑ:(r)][美]['i 'ɑr]而
1.On the Use of "But"(er) in Lun Yu;试析《论语》中“”的用法
2.This paper tries to return to the original context and thinking of that book from a hermeneutics of “Er”,the little Chinese character in the translation-based new Chinese word “Xing ershangxue”,and then opens the possibility of transforming “Xing ershangxue” into “Daoxue”.借由《易传》“形上者谓之道”翻译“metaphysica”,形成了现代中文哲学概念“形上学”。
3.This article see about all the lian-dong sentences in<San Guo Zhi>using the conj"er""yi"and"ze";analyse something from distribution to syntax structure.连动句有使用连词和不使用连词两种情况,文章以《三国志》连动句中连词“”“以”“则”为考察对象,进行了从分布到句法结构的分析,并以此为基础探讨了“”“以”“则”的语用功能。

1.He used to weep, he now laughs;他时哭,时笑。
2.in response to响应; 应....(); 随....()
3.in depreciation (of)因轻蔑 (…)
4.wend one's way(to)[诗]向...
5.If your opponent is of choleric temper, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant. If he is taking his ease, give him no rest. If his forces are united, separate them.怒挠之,卑骄之,佚劳之,亲离之,
6.Hold out Baits to entice the enemy. Feign disorder,and crush him. If he is secure at all points, be prepared for him. If he is in superior strength, evade him.利诱之,乱取之,实备之,强避之,
7.Does he not shed tears of joy as well as grief?他不是忽乐极涕,忽痛极号吗?
8.To fight or argue for or over.为…斗争,为…争辩
9.I 'd rather go than stay to be insulted.我宁去不愿留受辱
10.I'd rather go than stay to is insult.我宁去不愿留受辱。
11.To sail in the direction from which the wind blows.逆风行,抢风
12.They are flashy without substance, brittle without solidity.华不实,脆不坚。
13.The weather is now hot.now cold.天气忽冷忽热。
14.and ... and when the baby comes,且……且婴儿出生以后,
15.The weather alternated between rain and sunshine.时下雨, 时放晴.
16.spasmodic periods of happiness followed by misery时快乐, 时痛苦.
17.Alternated between happiness and depression.时快乐,时沮丧
18.Sometimes it's warm, then freezing.时暖和,时寒冻。

alternate between时而…时而…
3)From now onward而今而后
4)cong er从而
1.The conjunctions yin er and cong er in modern Chinese onginated in pre-qin period but they were not the conjunctions but the cross-combinations at that time.现代汉语中的因果连词“因”“从”产生于先秦,不过那时的“因”“从”是动词,“因”“从”是跨层非短语结构。
5)ran er然而
1.The disyllable conjunction ran er(然而)in Classic Chinese;上古汉语的双音节连词“然
2.This article,by means of statistics,discusses and analyses the rhetorical effect of the transitional conjunction ran er in Lu Xun s essay Weeds.在鲁迅先生的散文诗名作《野草》中,转折连词“然”多次出现。
1.consequently and therefore are synonymous conjuctions with similarities and differences when used alone in a complex sentence of cause and effect."因此"和"因"是两个近义连词,单独用在因果复句中,存在着既相近、又不一致的状况。

而立〈书〉《论语 ·为政》:‘三十而立。’指年至三十,学有成就。后来用‘而立 ’指人三十岁:年届~ㄧ~之年。