1.The literature characteristic of SUN Jian-xi″s works is shown in the following aspects: rational color, the visual angle of the religion, the affection of homeland and the ingenuity of diction.孙见喜的创作特色表现在以下四个方面:(1)理性的色彩;(2)宗教的视角;(3)故乡的情结;(4)炼字的匠心。
2.His diction,seeking exordinary from ordinary, replacing the difficult by the easy, means more than they are.特别是谢的炼字艺术,以平中见奇,以易见难为归宿,增强了语言内在的弹性。
3.This paper discusses diction from three aspect文章主要从三个方面探讨《容斋随笔》中关于炼字的修辞手法。

1.Diction must be emphasized in English-Chinese translation;英汉翻译应注重炼字锤词——兼与姜邵洪老师商榷
2.A Rambling Talk Aboat Chinese Classical Poetry Translation;千锤百炼 字字珠玑——古诗词译余杂谈
3.Doing crosswords gives the mind some exercise.做纵横字谜游戏能锻炼脑筋.
4.Poetry: the Polishing of Words,Sentences and Meanings& the Progress of Quality and Style;诗歌:字句意的锤炼与品格境界的递进
5.Application of SIEMENS 6RA70 fully digital DC governor for the mixerSIEMENS 6RA70全数字直流调速装置在密炼机中的应用
6.It may also turn one or two concise words into a long and Boring essay.把原来精炼的一两个字译成冗长乏味的长篇大论。
7.Only the pure truth lies distilled in the words to come.只有纯正的真理才是永恒的。它们就精炼在我要阅读的文字中。
8.What liqueur was formulated by16 th century alchemists in Europe as a medicinal elixir?在十六世纪被欧洲炼金术师们当作灵丹妙药的甜酒叫什么名字?
9.Legend and literal symbols of oil refinery automatic instrument piping plot plan炼油厂自动化仪表管线平面布置图图例及文字代号
10.While you compose your thoughts, don't forget the real purpose of the essay-writing exercise!当您组成您的想法,不要忘记杂文文字锻炼的真正的目的!
11.Application of Digital Image Processing Technique in the Control of MF Smelting Furnace论数字图像处理技术在中频熔炼炉控制中的应用
12."More Ideas but Less Words Being Expected in Poetry"--On the Characteristic of Concision in Tibetan Woman Writer Yang Xinghuo s Poetry;“意期唯多,字期唯少”——略评西藏女作家杨星火诗歌的精炼美
13.As I read and re-read the words in the scrolls to follow, never will I allow the brevity of each scroll nor the simplicity of its words to cause me to treat the scroll's message lightly.当我阅读羊皮卷中的字句时,绝不能出为文字的精炼而忽视内容的深沉。
14.To do this, alchemists devised a number of signs, or symbols, that stood for the names of the metals and other substances with which they worked.因此,他们设计出一些代表炼金所用的金属和其他物质名字的符号或象征。
15.These statistics indicate that food processing is nearly double the size of petroleum refining and 3 times the magnitude of the paper industry.这些统计数字显示出食品加工工业的产值几乎是石油冶炼工业产值的2倍,是造纸工业的3倍。
16.Begins with the smelting of iron ore, and passes into civilization with the invention of alphabetic writing and its use for literary records.从铁矿石的冶炼开始,并由于文字的发明及其应用于文献记录而过渡到文明时代。
17.On may assume that on an abstract level, the form of calligraphy is its aesthetic quality, as in music and abstract painting.在律诗里面,诗人「将文字炼以精神」,在浓缩的诗句中重现个人的审美体验。
18.Words as the Medicine to Construct Spiritual Beings--Analyzing the significance to a writer after his construction of characters in a fiction by reading《Unterm Rad》;以文字熔炼灵魂之药——由《轮下》分析小说中人物生成对作者的救赎意义

try to find the right word and the best sentence炼字炼句
3)refine upon the wording and phrasing; polish a piece of writing锤炼字句
4)On the Precis of Handling Word炼字论纲
5)Reflections On The Selection Of Words炼字琐议
6)word function诗眼与炼字
