1.A Study of the Female Images in SouShenJi;《搜神记》女性形象研究
2.The twenty volumes SouShenJi was compiled from the documents of Tang and Song,its language is very complicated. 今二十卷《搜神记》辑录自唐宋时期各类书,其语料构成是相当复杂的,非经过仔细的校勘整理,不能够轻易加以利用。
3.This paper mainly studies on the verb synonyms in SouShenJi.本文以《搜神记》中动词的同义词为研究对象,主要运用比较互证、计量统计、替换等方法归纳出具有相同义位的275组同义词,并对这些同义词的差别类型、呈现的关系格式、形成途径、及特点等进行了深入的探讨。

1.Expressions of Approximate Number in "SouShen Ji";《搜神记》的概数表示法——《搜神记》语言研究系列之一
2."Shi" Style Sentence in Tale of Looking for God《搜神记》中的“是”字句——《搜神记》语言研究系列之二
3.From Imitation to Reconstruction: A Critique of Realia Translation in Anecdotes about Spirits and Immortals;从模仿到重构:《搜神记》中“realia”翻译批评
4.On the Usage and Grammaticalization of "zi" in Anecdotes about Spirits and Immortals;《搜神记》中“子”的用法考察及其虚化研究
5.Analyse of language to use on Sentences That Contain "have"(有)In <sou shen ji>(搜神记);《搜神记》“有”字句的语用分析(二)
6.The Origin of Divination and Its Reflection in Searching Deities;谶纬思想源流及其在《搜神记》中的体现
7.Transformation Inspection on Sentences That Contain "have" (有) In <sou shen ji >(搜神记);《搜神记》中的“有”字句变换考察
8.The Semantic Analysis of Synonymous Alternative Rhetoric in A Collection of Spirits;《搜神记》同义变换修辞的语义分析
9.The Notes on The Notes on Search for Mythic Gods by GOU Dao-xing and The Story of Virgin Swan;句道兴《搜神记》与天鹅处女型故事
10.On Usage, Origin and Development of Perfect Words Indicating Mood in Sou Shen Ji;《搜神记》完成体语气词的用法及其源流
11.The Language s Composition and Its Value in the Twenty Volumes of SoushenJi;《搜神记》(二十卷本)语料构成及价值
12.On the Artistic Value of Poems and Ballads in Eccentric Tales;论《搜神记》诗歌谣谚应用艺术价值
13.On the Disjunctive Questions in "A Search for God" and "New Speech of the Secular World;《搜神记》《世说新语》中的选择问句
14.The Comparative Study of Strange Tales of a Lonely Studio and Sou Shen Ji《聊斋志异》与《搜神记》比较研究
15.The Influence of Records of Spirits by GAN Bao on the Novels and Dramas in later Time干宝《搜神记》对后世小说戏曲的影响
16.The Weird Language Environment at the Time since Dynasty Han to the South-north Dynasties and Abnormal Fetus Records in the SouShenJi;汉魏六朝变异语境与《搜神记》中的怪胎记录
17.Comments on the Cultural Value of the Love Story between Human Being and Familiar Spirit in Searching Deities;浅谈《搜神记》中人妖相恋神话的文化价值
18.On the Theme of Gods and Spirits in Wei and Jin Dynasties from "The Recording of Searching Gods";从《搜神记》看魏晋神怪题材的世情化倾向

Searching Deities《搜神记》
1.The Meaning Culture of the Magic Sprite in Searching Deities;《搜神记》巫术灵物的文化意蕴
2.The Origin of Divination and Its Reflection in Searching Deities;谶纬思想源流及其在《搜神记》中的体现
3.The Ideological and Cultural Background of Searching Deities;《搜神记》产生的思想文化背景
3)Sou Shen Ji《搜神记》
1.Ghost Culture in Sou Shen Ji;异域人间:《搜神记》的鬼文化
2.On the Linguistic Value of Sou Shen Ji (20 Vol. Edition);二十卷本《搜神记》的语料价值
3.Notes of Appellation Words in Sou Shen Ji;《搜神记》称谓词语札记
4)Sou Shen Hou Ji搜神后记
1.Research On the Disyllabic words in Sou Shen Hou Ji(搜神后记);《搜神后记》复音词的构词方式初探
5)A Collection of Spirits《搜神记》
1.The basic types of synonymous alternative in A Collection of Spirits;《搜神记》同义变换的基本类型
2.The Semantic Analysis of Synonymous Alternative Rhetoric in A Collection of Spirits;《搜神记》同义变换修辞的语义分析
3.The Rhetorical Functions and Restrictive Factors of Synonymous Alternative in A Collection of Spirits;《搜神记》同义变换的修辞功能及其制约因素
1.A Study on Reality's Storys in SouShenJi论《搜神记》中的现实题材故事
2.A Study on the Verb-Complement Structures of Verb-Tendency of Soushenji《搜神记》动趋式述补结构研究
3.A Study on the Verb-Complement Structures of Verb-Result in the Book—Soushenji《搜神记》动结式述补结构研究
