1.Two kinds of errors are mentioned as follows: (1) the errors of using verbs, and (2) the errors of using complements of verbs.本文以配价语法理论为背景 ,以汉语中介语中带有偏误的动词句为研究对象 ,分析带有偏误的动词句中动词或补足语的偏误现象 ,探求偏误产生的原因 ,寻求减少偏误现象的教学对策。

1.The past participle as the Attribute Predicative and the object complement.过去分词充当定语、表语和宾语补足语
2.On Prepositional Phrases as Adjective Complementation and Their Semantic Relations;介词短语作形容词补足语及语义关系
3.It serves as the subject (object, predicate, predicative, attribute, adverbial, object complement).(这个词)作主语(宾语、谓语、表语、定语、状语、宾语补足语)。
4.Formalism and functionalism are two rival approaches to grammar study.语法学家在划分基本句型时,对宾语补足语的存在一定的不足。
5.They once heard the song sung in English.(宾语补足语)们曾听见有人用英文唱那首歌。
6.I heard my sister singing that song in English outside.(宾语补足语)听到妹妹在外面用英文唱那首歌。
7.Chinese English-Major Students Use of the Object Complements of Some High Frequency Verbs;英语专业学生使用高频动词宾语补足语的状况分析
8.We're making every effort to make our environment much cleaner and safer.(作宾语补足语)我们在努力使环境变得更干净、安全。
9.The mathematician always works in his study with the door locked.这数学家总是锁着门在书房工作。(句是介词宾语的补足语
10.Proximity and Complementation: Studies of the Formation Mechanism of Idioms From Cognitive Point of View;相邻与补足——成语形成的认知研究之一
11.Having to do with or being a complement.补足的或与补足有关的
12.I watch the boy playing foot ball.我看到那个男孩在踢足球。主谓宾语宾补。
13.A Try at Redeeming the Shortage of English Listening-teaching Equipment with Frequency Modulation Transmitters;用调频广播弥补英语听力教学设备不足的尝试
14.The Complementarity of the Two Grammars LGSWE and CGEL;LGSWE与CGEL两部语法的互补性——兼评语料库语法的不足
15.objective complementph.1. 【语】宾语补语
16.Supplying mutual needs or offsetting mutual lacks.互补的互相满足对方需求或补足缺陷
17.Something that completes, makes up a whole, or brings to perfection.补充物补充物、补足、或使完美
18.Meanwhile the Chinese teachers in middle schools can use the knowledge about Chinese traditional semantics to make up deficiency for the notes to the Chinese texts of middle schools.同时,中学语文教师还可以利用训诂知识弥补现行中学语文课本注释中的一些不足。

subject complement主语补足语
3)object complement宾语补足语
4)preposition complement介词补足语
1.Normally the preposition complement is made up of a noun or a noun equivalent.介词补足语一般由名词性结构组成。
5)sentence complement句子补足语
1.This thesis is attempting to examine how the false belief training and sentence complement training influence the preschoolers’theory of mind, simultaneously, to investigate the role of sentence complement in the development of the child’s theory of mind, aiming to explore the relationship between theory of mind and language development.本研究旨在考察错误信念训练和句子补足语训练对儿童心理理论发展的影响,同时研究句子补足语在儿童心理理论发展中的作用,进而探讨语言和心理理论发展的关系。
6)obligatory argument必有补足语
