1.Notes on the Collations and Explanations of an Annotated Collection of Contracts Related to Social Life in Taiwan《台湾社会生活文书专辑》校读札记

1.The Significance of Studying Reader s Psychology in University s Library Work;研究高校读者心理 做好读者服务工作
2.I study in Williams School.我在威廉姆斯学校读
3.My mother wants me to go to an all-girls school because she is against coeducation.我母亲反对男女同校,想让我去女子学校读书。
4.The Mentality of Readers and the Construction of Literature Resource of University Libraries;从读者阅读心理谈高校文献资源建设
5.NAME AND ADDRESS OF MY School就读学校之名称及地址
6.Proofreader: An abbreviation for author's alteration.校对员:阅读稿样的人员。
7.The school principal read the honor roll list.校长宣读优秀生名单。
8.An assistant who reads manuscript aloud to a proofreader.校对助手向校对员大声读原稿的助手
9.Fusion·Symbiosis--Explaining Entrance Space of Modern College Campus;融合·共生——现代高校校园入口空间解读
10.The Comprehension and Reconstructing of Modern School Management;学校经营—现代学校管理的解读与重构
11.Reading on "Rule of Law to university" for safeguarding its harmony and stability;解读“高校法治”,保障高校和谐与稳定
12.Study on Perfect the Regulations and Disciplines of Public Schools from Administrative Perspective行政法视角对公办学校校纪校规的解读
13.A President 's Adventure--Impression of President's Narration by Zhang Chu-ting一位校长的心路历程——读张楚廷校长的《校长叙论》
14.The school has up a complete modern industrial system.学校开设了一个专班来帮助阅读能力差的读者。
15.Do you have a child who has attended or is currently attending WMS?你有无子女曾在华美读过或现就读于华英学校?
16.Reading Trends of Library Users and Document Acquisition in University Libraries;读者阅读倾向与高校图书馆文献采访工作
17.On the Fostering of Readers Interest in the Library of a Vocational College;高职院校图书馆读者阅读兴趣培养刍议
18.The Effect of School Early Literacy on Children s Literacy Achievement;学校早期读写训练对儿童读写成绩的影响

1.100 collations for annotations of "A complement to the great collection of the oracle inscriptions";《甲骨文合集补编》释文校读百例
1.In this paper, according to writing habits of most Chinese students, the proofreading processing which is divided into two steps, revising and editing were discussed.校读,作为学术英语写作的一个重要组成部分,通过对初稿进行有效的修改和润色,使文章主题更明确,条理更清楚,文意更连贯,可读性更强。
1.Distinguishing between True and False:the First Task of Proofreading;辨是非:读校活动的第一要义
5)university reader高校读者
1.This paper analyzes on the information demand features of university reader groups and the factors influencing the network demand,and advances the service countermeasures that should be adopted by university library to deal with the challenges of the network era.分析了高校读者群的信息需求特点和影响网络需求的因素,提出了高校图书馆应对网络时代挑战应采取的服务对策。
6)campus reading校园阅读
1.Through analyzing the present reading situation of students in higher vocational college, this paper advances some suggestions on enlivening the campus reading by the library.通过对高职院校学生阅读现状的分析,提出了图书馆搞活校园阅读的一些建议。
