1.When the first or the second person is used,the language used often has the features of reality and intimacy,while when the third person is used,the language is often more expressive and full of associations.散文一般都是用第一、第二、第三人称完成一个文本的叙述过程,以第一、第二人称展开的叙事文本,其语言呈现出真实性与亲切性的特点;而以第三人称展开的叙事文本,其语言又呈现出丰富性与联想性的特点。
2.They are creation,association,agitation and comment.汉、英、法 3种语言中一些具有代表性的广告都体现了广告语言的 4种艺术特点 :创新性、联想性、鼓动性和陈述

1.non associative learning非联想性学习 非联想性学习
2.associative recall联想性回忆(心理学)
3.The Implication and Association in English Metonymy;英语借代中语义表达的含蓄性及联想性
4.Analysis on the Relevance between Ideological and Political Education and Externality;思想政治教育与外部性的关联性分析
5.Linear Associative Memory and Its Application to Autocontrol线性联想存贮器在自动控制中的应用
6.suggestive of sexual impropriety.使人联想到不适当的性行为。
7.and in his soul stirred the creative imagination.脑海中创造性的想象联翩浮来。
8.Analysing the Relationship Between Ambiguity of Word Association Sense and National Culture论联想义的模糊性与民族文化之关系
9.method of paired associatio成对联想法 成对联想法
10.method of correct associates正确联想法 正确联想法
11.Investigation into the Definiteness and Indefiniteness of Semantic Association in English;英语语义联想中的确定性和不确定性调查
12.The Stipulation and Creativity of Cultural Association in Teaching Chinese Characters;汉字教学中文化联想的规约性与创造性
13.The Unanimity and Divergence of Semantic Association in Discourse Acceptance;话语接受中语义联想的趋同性和差异性
14.Of, characterized by, resulting from, or causing association.联想的联想的,以联想为特点的,由联想得来的,引起联想的
15.Association and Analogy:Sexual Symbolization in Dongba Culture of Naxi People联想与类比:纳西族东巴文化中的性象征
16.Why are people appreciate nudity in art when the associate?人们为什么在欣赏裸体艺术的时候总联想到性?
17.ESG is an ideal inertial element constituting strapdown system.静电陀螺是构成捷联系统的理想惯性元件。
18.Research on Kernel-based Enhanced Associative Memory Models with Applications;基于核的增强型联想记忆模型及推广性研究

3)association attribute联想属性
4)associative code联想性编码
5)symbolic association象征性联想
1.It is proposed that the men cognition and psychological sensation featurebe applied to architecture image to produce symbolic association, as well as the visualexpression about culture concerned with history and modern in architecture.探讨了人们对建筑形象的认知及心理感受特征,特别是它所引起的象征性联想,以及历史文化和现代文化在建筑上的视觉表达。
6)habitual association习惯性联想

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-