1.Increasing the effectiveness and vividness of the course “Outline of Mao Zedong Thought” through the improvement of teaching method;改进教学方法 增强毛泽东思想概论课生动性实效性
2.How Interactivity and Vividness Influence the Effectiveness of Interactive Advertising under Different Product Types;针对不同产品类别的网络广告的互动性和生动性对广告效果的影响
3.To enhance the vividness of "the two courses" teaching,it is necessary to pay great attention to pursue the thought deepness,the fine teaching material and the good language in teaching.提高"两课"教学的生动性,就要在备课和讲课时,注重追求思想上的深刻、资料上的精彩和语言上的震撼与精美。

1.The story has been watered down.故事的生动性被冲淡了。
2.to give scope to the students' initiative and creativeness发挥学生主动性、创造性
3.The biological study of protozoans.原生动物学对原生动物的生物性研究
4.Productive labour means labour productive of wealth.生产性劳动意味着生产财富的劳动。
5.How to Arouse the Initiative and Enthusiasm of Students in Study?;如何调动学生学习的主动性和积极性
6.sexual activity between a person and an animal.人与动物发生性行为。
7.launch a mass production movement开展群众性生产运动
8.To occur in or pass through a cycle.周期性的发生或者运动.
9.A male parent of an animal.父动物的雄性生养者
10.Chapter 3 Unproductive Labour第三章 论非生产性劳动
11.He has a temperamental dislike of sports.他生性不喜欢运动。
12.Re-recognition of Productive and Non-Productive Labors;对生产性劳动与非生产性劳动的重新认识
13.Teachers Labour is the Productive Work to Create Values;教师的劳动是创造价值的生产性劳动
14.Passive & Active: the Social Factor of Morality;受动与主动:道德情感的社会性发生
15.Summarizing the Mechanism of Basketball Player'exercise Fatigue Producing篮球运动员运动性疲劳产生机制综述
16.Powered control and performance testing of bionic leg主动型仿生腿的驱动控制与性能评测
17.She had high animal spirits, and a sort of natural selfcon-sequence.她生性好动,天生有些不知分寸。
18.Biochemphysiological Parameters of Juvenile Catfish (Silurus Asotus Linnaeus) in Response to Exhaustive Exercise;力竭性运动后鲇鱼幼鱼生理生化指标的变动

4)production variability生产浮动性
1.The analysis and simulation for the effect of production variability on production line;生产浮动性对产线的影响分析及仿真
5)productive labour生产性劳动
1.We must exactly understand the connotation of designated standard on productive labour by Marx.马克思在《资本论》中不断地拓宽生产性劳动的领域,认为服务劳动也是生产性的劳动,并根据社会生产力发展的特点和资本主义生产关系的性质区分了一般性的生产劳动和资本主义社会的生产劳动。
2.To acknowledge that teachers work is the productive labour,is in the interest of distribution principle according to teachers work,is beneficial to rebuild educational system according to the management of market economy and to carry out the strategy of developing the country by relying .在社会主义市场经济中 ,教师的劳动具有一般劳动最基本的特征 ,是创造价值的生产性劳动 ,这是由社会主义制度的性质决定的 ,符合马克思对劳动力价值量的分析。
3.There exit some limitations is Karl Marx s outlook that commercial labour is partly productive labour.马克思关于商业劳动是生产性劳动的观点有一定局限。
6)agricultural production fluctuation生产波动性

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-