1.This paper analyses the characteristics of the two kinds of document information resources of access and ownership,and puts forward different constructive opinion and strategy for acquisition of the two kinds of document information resources.对存取和拥有两类文献信息资源的特征进行了分析,分别就两类文献信息资源的采访提出了建设性意见和策略。
2.No library can collect all documents in the world today,so every library is confronted with the problem of the selection between "ownership" and "accessment" and the selection between "printed" and "electronic" documents.图书馆的馆藏能力有限,图书馆要充分有效地收集和组织信息,必须在"拥有"还是"存取"信息资源以及收藏"电子版"还是"印刷版"资源之间作出决择。

1.The act or fact of possessing.拥有拥有的行为或事实
2.no longer having or seeming to have or expecting to have life.不再拥有、像是拥有活着希望拥有生命。
3.Take TOSHIBA, take the world.拥有东芝,拥有世界。(东芝电子)
4.Wear a smile and have friends; wear a scowl and have wrinkles.面带微笑,拥有朋友;面带愁容,拥有皱纹。
5.Wear s amile and have friends.Wear a scowl and have wrinkles.面带微笑,拥有朋友。面带愁容,拥有皱纹。
6.As the saying goes, @He who has hope has everything.俗话说:“拥有希望的人拥有一切。”
7.someone who owns a ship or a share in a ship.独自拥有或部分拥有一艘船的人。
8.tenure by which land is held in fee simple or for life.一种土地拥有权,土地终生拥有或世袭。
9.Prospect is often better than possession.((谚))期待 (拥有) 往往胜过实际的拥有
10.Possessive personal pronouns are used to show ownership or possession.拥有格代名词用作表达物件之拥有权。
11.Of or relating to ownership or possession.拥有的,占有的拥有的或占有的或与其有关的
12.How far does your property go back?你拥有的土地有多大?
13.Others were owners of great wealth and property.有些人拥有万贯家财。
14.anything owned or possessed.拥有或占有的任何事物。
15.The court has the sole right to decide.法庭拥有独有的决定权
16.laid claim to the estate.宣称对地产拥有所有权
17.Every absurdity have a champion to defend it.任何谬论都拥有拥护它的斗士。
18.Jointly owned assets do not form part of your estate when you die.共同拥有的财产在一方拥有人过逝之后并不成为该拥有人之遗产。

3)be possessed of占有;拥有
4)take possession of…占有/拥有…
5)To have as property; own.持有;拥有
1.Analysis on Effect of Urban Taxi Quantity to Sharing Ratio;城市出租车拥有量对分担率影响分析
2.Confirming method of urban taxi quantity;城市出租车拥有量确定方法
3.The computer trends imitation research of China Private owned automobile quantity chronically;中国民用汽车拥有量时间序列动态模型研究
