
1.The Defects of Punctuation in Wei Shu Ji Cheng:Yi Wei Tong Gua Yan;《纬书集成·易纬通卦验》断句指瑕
2.Correction to the Explanation of the Meanings of Some Words in "Ci Hai"(the 1999th Edition);《辞海》(1999年版)若干词条指瑕
3.Picking out the Errors,the Important Way to Improve Students Writing;指瑕:提高学生作文水平的重要途径
4.A Comment on Modern Chinese Special Topic of Grammar and Rhetoric Edited by Xing Fuyi;邢福义《现代汉语语法修辞专题》指瑕
5.Interpretation Flaws in Xinhua Dictionary(Volume 10);《新华字典》(第10版)释文指瑕
6.Flaws of Words Explanation of Zhouyi Dazhuan in Great Chinese dictionary;《汉语大词典》引《周易大传》语词指瑕
7.Flaws in the Notes of Ancient Chinese;郭锡良等编《古代汉语》教材译注指瑕
8.Faults in Supplement to "the Complete Poetry of Tang Dynasty"--Discuss with Mr.HUANG Zhen-yun;《〈全唐诗〉补遗》指瑕——兼与黄震云先生商榷
9.On the Defects of "The Late Supplement of 102 Poems to Quan TangShi";《新补<全唐诗>102首》指瑕
10.The Flaws of the Word Explanations of Zhouyi(周易) in Hanyu Da Cidian(汉语大词典);《汉语大词典》引《周易》语词指瑕
11.The Errors in the Explanations of the Word Sheng(乘) in Guangya Shuzheng(广雅疏证) and Fangyan Jianshu(方言笺疏);《广雅疏证》《方言笺疏》中“乘”的释义指瑕
12.Some Criticism on the Collation "Shuowen"(说文)in "A Large Size Dictionary of The Chinese Characters;《汉语大字典》处理《说文》校勘指瑕
13.Study on extended meaning stylistic rules and wrong extended meaning in the Six Categories of Chinese Characters;《六书故》词义引申条例研究及释义指瑕
14.My Two Views on “Yangqing Gambles for Fish”.;《燕青博鱼》的语言特色及情节指瑕
15.Errors in College Chinese (The Eighth Edition) with Xu Zhongyu and Qi Senhua as Chief Editors;徐中玉、齐森华主编《大学语文》(第八版)指瑕
17.Problems in Implementing Essentials of Putonghua Proficiency Test;《普通话水平测试实施纲要》测试用朗读作品指瑕
18.Standardize and purify Chinese writing, Extend and Move into the Future--Reading Papers for Defects;规范文字提纯语言,存续优长走向世界——读报指瑕

picking out the errors文章指瑕
3)extended meaning reason释义指瑕
4)content flaws内容指瑕
5)Comments on the Book "Ci-Poetry"《人间词话》指瑕
6)Error-correction of Collating Xuelin掌林点校指瑕
