1.first,two Zhuanwens are same; second,a character is Zhuanwen,but another character is certain Zhuanwen s Huoti,that is to say,a Zhuanwen is the same as another Zhuanwen s Huoti;third,two paleographies are the same; fourth,a Zhuanwen is the same as another paleography,Zhouwen,Su.这四类分别是:第一,两个篆文相同者;第二,一个字是篆文,而另一个字是某个篆文的或体,也就是一个篆文与另一个篆文的或体相同;第三,两个字的古文相同;第四,某个篆文与另一个字的古文、籀文或俗体相同。
2.When \%Shi Zhou Pian\%(史籀篇), where \%Zhouwen\%(籀文) comes, was compiled? There are some different views on this question.《史籀篇》乃籀文之所由出 ,其编定年代一直存在争议。
2)Zhou li ding籀文隶定
3)Shuowen GuZhou Bu说文古籀补
1.Revising the Mistakes of Ancient Characters in Shuowen GuZhou Bu(Appendix);《说文古籀补》(附录部分)字形校订
2.Shuowen GuZhou Bu is a important Scholarly work in Chinese ancient writing history of learning.《说文古籀补》是古文字学术史上一部重要善作。
3.Shuowen GuZhou Bu is an important academic books in the palaeography history,it still bears much use for reperence to the palaegraphy study.《说文古籀补》是古文字学史上一部重要的学术著作,对于古文字研究至今仍有借鉴作用。

1.Revising the Mistakes of Ancient Characters in Shuowen GuZhou Bu(Appendix);《说文古籀补》(附录部分)字形校订
3.On the Priority Order of "Gu Zhou First and Zhuan Second" in Shuo Wen Jie Zi;《说文解字》中“先古籀后篆”研究
4.The Study of Terracotta Characters in the GU ZHOU PIAN Written by Gaotian Zhongzhou (Section 1~20);高田忠周《古籀篇》陶文研究(一~二○卷)
5.Wu used seal cutting and calligraphy brushstroke techniques in his flower and bird paintings, forming a bold and vital painting style.吴昌硕从篆刻书法入手,把金石篆籀笔法引入花鸟画中,形成"雄健古茂,盎然有金石气"的风格。
6.Further Research on the Pivotal Theory about the Origin of V-C Structure in Ancient Chinese;古汉语动补结构起源“兼语说”之再研究
7.The tendency of making up the history lying in the athetic system of Chinese classic novels;论中国古代小说审美中的尚补史思想
8.Illustration Supplement for Paraphrase of the Characters Embodied in Shuowen(说文) --Illustrate Shuowen(说文) by Using Bamboo Slips and Silk Literature;《说文》收字释义文献用例补缺——以简帛文献证《说文》
9.On the Book of Wenzi;“《文子》是《老子》古注”说辨疑
10.The Omission Of Lei Wen Contained By" The whole ancient times , three generations,Qin and Han dynasty, the Three Kingdoms and six dynasty s articles";《全上古三代秦汉三国六朝文》所收诔文补遗
11.The Intensive Study of Oracle Bone Inscriptions for Sun Yi-rang(孙诒让)and Ancient Chinese Character in Shuowen(说文);孙诒让的甲骨文考释与《说文》中之古文
12.Essay and Classical Novel--An Important Viewpoint to Study Classical Novel文章与古典小说——研究古代小说的一个重要视角
13.The Bamboo Slips Buried in the Han Dynasty(汉)Tomb in Zhangjia Shan(张家山) and Shuowen Jiezi(说文解字) --The supplement of ShuoWen Jiezi Jiaojian(说文解字校笺);张家山汉简与《说文解字》合证——《说文解字校笺》补遗
14.From “Divine Intelligence" to “State of Mind" in Chinese Ancient Literary Criticism;从“神感说”探讨古代文论的“神思说”
15.Real or Fake of Gu Wen ShangShu · YueMing and the Identification of FU Yue《古文尚书·说命》真伪与傅说身份辨析
16.The work fills in a gap which hitherto existed in our archaeological literature.这一著作填补了我国考古学文献中的一个空白。
17.The work fills (in) a gap which has hitherto existed in our archaeological literature.这部著作填补了我国考古学文献中的一个空白。
18.A Supplement to Annotated Catalog of the Only Existing Copies of Manchu Ancient Texts in Peking University Library;《北京大学图书馆馆藏满文古籍孤本提要》补叙

Zhou li ding籀文隶定
3)Shuowen GuZhou Bu说文古籀补
1.Revising the Mistakes of Ancient Characters in Shuowen GuZhou Bu(Appendix);《说文古籀补》(附录部分)字形校订
2.Shuowen GuZhou Bu is a important Scholarly work in Chinese ancient writing history of learning.《说文古籀补》是古文字学术史上一部重要善作。
3.Shuowen GuZhou Bu is an important academic books in the palaeography history,it still bears much use for reperence to the palaegraphy study.《说文古籀补》是古文字学史上一部重要的学术著作,对于古文字研究至今仍有借鉴作用。
4)Shuowen Guzhou Bu Bu《說文古籀補補》
1.Ding Foyan, a renowned paleographist, completed the works Shuowen Guzhou Bu Bu in the 1920s.《說文古籀補補》成書于20世紀20年代,作者丁佛言是一位很有成就的古文字學家。
5)The Style Examination of "Shi Zhou Pian"《史籀篇》文体考
6)A Study on Contentious Zhouwen存在争议的籀文
