1.A good case in point is the atavism displayed by the development of the two words of "kan(看)" and "zhengkou(争口)" and the evolution of the meanings of the two words of "xiaojie(小姐)" and "xiuli(修理)"."看"和"争口"两个词的发展过程就是词的返祖现象的反映;"小姐"和"修理"两个词的词义演变过程就是词义的返祖现象的反映。

1.An individual or a part that exhibits atavism.返祖体表现出返祖现象的个体或部分
2.Rock Painting:an Amazed Art Reversion岩彩画:一种奇异的艺术返祖现象
3.Animals, after many crossbreedings, cry back.动物在多次杂交之后,往往出现返祖现象
4.They are explainable as a species of mental atavism.这些都可以解释为一种精神的返祖现象
5.There is a tendency in some animals to throw back for several generations.在某些动物身上,有一种每隔几代便出现返祖现象的倾向。
6.It was characteristic of an old, atavistic callousness that went with her delicacy.这正是伴随着她病弱身体的老年返祖现象的一种麻木冷淡的特征。
7.The civilization craftsman mythology usually exceeds the originality craftsman mythology, though sometimes with the atavism.文明社会的工匠神话对原始工匠神话多有超越,但有时又出现返祖现象
8.The reappearance of a characteristic in an organism after several generations of absence, usually caused by the chance recombination of genes.返祖现象,隔代遗传机体特征在几代缺失后重新出现,通常由基因重组引起
9.It appears to be a throwback to prehistoric times that it has somehow managed to survive.不知什么原因它竟然能够存活下来,这看来是对史前时期的一种返祖现象
10.(2) the harden reaction can’t oceur the phenomena of efflorescence and helogenation.(2)硬化反应不发生泛霜、返卤现象;
11.Liang Qichao s Stagnation of Thinking;思想的退返现象——以梁启超为个案研究
12.A Study of Creating Ancestor on Cheng’s Pedigrees in Xin’an Area;新安程氏统宗谱重构祖先谱系现象考
13.Social disorder and cultural analysis;“二世祖”现象——社会失范与文化分析
14.He regained his native country when he was old.他老的时候重返祖国。
15.A reversion to a former type or ancestral characteristic.返祖恢复到从前的类型或祖先的特征
16.He returned to his homeland with the purpose of serving his own people.他返回祖国, 意在为祖国人民服务。
17.Medieval isolation also was over.中世纪式的与世隔绝的现象也一去不复返了。
18.CFD Simulation of Hydrodynamics in the Bubble Column;鼓泡塔内液相流体流动和返混现象的CFD模拟

3)back mixing phenomenon返混现象
1.This article has explained the air-back in single stack drainage systems and maintaining measures.文章介绍了单立管排水系统常见返气现象,并提出了维修解决办法。
5)poverty-returning phenomenon返贫现象
1.This paper introduces the main characteristics of the poverty-returning phenomenon in Yunnan Province,analyzes on the reasons of the poverty-returning phenomenon,and advances some countermeasures and suggestions on resolving the poverty-returning phenomenon in Yunnan Province.介绍了云南省返贫现象的主要特征,分析了返贫现象的原因,提出了解决云南省返贫现象的对策和建议。
1.Liang Qichao s Stagnation of Thinking;思想的退返现象——以梁启超为个案研究
