1.The Name "Wu Wang Di Ri Ding" was firstly discovered in the Inscriptions on the Bronze Vessel "Ying Gong Ding".这是周初统治者"修商人典"的体现,鉴于此时遗民仍很强大,人文化仍较浓厚,周人不得不在政策上与人缩小距离。
2.The paper "On Yin city of Shang Dynasty" points out that the Yin ruins is not the late Shang capital,but rather worship area and cemetery.《商代都考》一文,指出墟并非商代晚期都城,而是祭祀区与墓地所在,提出地不是位于安阳的小屯,而是位于郑州的小双桥。

1.a substantial business, company实的商号、 公司
2.Vicar Slays Santa, Shocks Children牧师调侃圣诞老人 粉碎儿童期待
3.On the “Rainbow” in the Yin Oracle Inscriptions--One of the Social Concept of Yinshang Dynasty;说卜辞中的“虹”——商社会观念之一例
4.Explanation of "Yinye"and"Yinfa"--Remarks on the penalty in the early Zhou Dynasty;释“彝”“罚”——兼说周初的刑罚
5.He is assiduous over his visitor.他对来访者很勤。
6.To woo or pay court to(a lady.向(女士)求爱或献
7.a man who courts a woman.向女性求爱献勤的人。
8.I thanked him for his hospitality.我感谢了他的勤招待。
9.The manager is assiduous over his visitors .经理对来访者勤招待。
10.She is always hospitable to visitors from abroad.她总是勤招待外宾.
11.surface politeness表面[不真诚]的
12.treats his guests with courtesy;勤地招待他的客人;
13.The truest politeness comes from sincerity真正的勤出于真诚
14.We hope to be favored with your order .盼能收到贵方的订单。
15.We are anxious to be favored with your valued orders.盼贵公司惠顾并订购。
16.The natives are noted for their hospitality.当地人以勤好客闻名。
17.typically American hospitality美国人特有的勤好客.
18.attentive in an ingratiating or servile manner.勤,举止逢迎、奴性。

Yin Fan殷
1.Yin Fan s Idea of Poetry and Its Literary Significance;的诗学观及文学史意义
2.A stroke of genius " put forward by YIN Fan in Heyueyinling Anthology of Poems is the highest criterion in poetry writing. 在《河岳英灵集》中提出的"神来"之说是其论诗的最高要求。
3)Ying People governing Ying殷人治殷
4)My heart is sad忧心殷殷
5)To admonish sincerely殷殷垂诫
6)To give instructions repeatedly殷殷垂诚
