1.A Comparative Study on the Multiple Adverbial Modifiers in Chinese and the Equivalents in Indonesian;汉语多项状语与印尼语相关表述的比较
2.Indonesian Vocabulary Under Change:New Trend and Problems;印尼语词汇发展的新现象及其问题
3.A Contrastive Study on Chinese and Indonesian Passives and Their Translation汉语印尼语被动句的比较与翻译

1.Bahasa Indonesian巴哈萨印度尼西亚语(印尼语)
2.A dialect of Malay that is the official language of Indonesia.印尼语马来语的一种方言,被指定为印度尼西亚的官方语言
3.Chinese Result Complement Represented in Indonesian and Its Related Influences on Chinese Learning for Indonesian Students;汉语结果补语在印尼语中的表述形式及其对印尼学生习得的影响
4.A Comparative Study on the Multiple Adverbial Modifiers in Chinese and the Equivalents in Indonesian;汉语多项状语与印尼语相关表述的比较
5.The Utilization of Video Resources in Teaching Audio-visual-oral Indonesian;印尼语视听说教学中影视教材的选用
6.Comparison of Syntactic Function and Gemination Form between Chinese and Indonesian Adjectievs;汉语印尼语形容词句法功能及重叠形式比较
7.The Caddoan language of the Pawnee.波尼语印第安语系中的波尼人语言
8.The Indic language of Nepal, closely related to Hindi.尼泊尔语尼泊尔的印度语,同印地语接近
9.The Indo-European language of the Albanians.阿尔巴尼亚语印欧语系的阿尔巴尼亚语
10.The Indo - European language of the Armenians.亚美尼亚语亚美尼亚人说的印欧语系语言
11.the Indonesian language of the people of Bali.巴厘人说的印度尼西亚语。
12.the Indo-European language spoken predominantly in Armenia.绝大多数亚美尼亚人说的印-欧语。
13.the Indo-European language spoken by the people of Albania.阿尔巴尼亚人所说的印-欧语。
14.the Indonesian language spoken in the Lesser Sunda Islands.分布于巽他群岛的印度尼西亚语。
15.the Indonesian language spoken on Java.爪哇人说的印度尼西亚语。
16.Analysis on Language Policies in Malaysia and Indonesia;马来西亚和印度尼西亚语言政策探析
17.The Discusses on the Indonesian Chinese Language Education Restriction Factors and the Countermeasures;印尼汉语教育的制约因素及对策探讨
18.of or relating to or characteristic of Indonesia or its people or languages.属于或关于印度尼西亚、印度尼西亚人、印度尼西亚语的,或有其特点的。

Indonesian language印尼语
1.This paper gives a description and comparison of adjectives between Chinese language and Indonesian language from the multiple perspectives of syntactic function and gemination form.本文主要从句法功能和重叠形式等方面对汉语和印尼语的形容词进行了描写和比较,分析并指出以印尼语为母语(第一语言)的学生在学习和运用汉语形容词时的难点,为对印尼语为母语(第一语言)的学习者的汉语教学提供参考。
2.For learners of the Indonesian language, simulated language environment is crucial to improving students comprehensive language skills while video resources play an indispensable role in this process.对于印尼语学习者而言,模拟的语言环境对语言综合运用能力非常关键,影视教材在其中起着不可替代的作用。
3)Chinese and Indonesia汉语印尼语
1.Based on the comparative analysis, this thesis studies the representation differences between Chinese and Indonesia adverbial.句位的差异折射出汉、印民族思维表达方式的不同,但在各修饰语与谓语中心间的轨层结构关系上,汉语印尼语体现出一定相似性。
4)Indonesian chinese language education印尼汉语教育
6)Indonesian Chinese learners印尼汉语学习者
1.Motivation is one of the most important affective factors in Chinese learning, which has a great effect on Indonesian Chinese learners.学习动机是汉语学习中最重要的情感因素之一,对印尼汉语学习者学习汉语有重要的影响。
