1.And the best way of training musical sense is to practice sightsinging.具有丰富音乐性的视唱训练,就是培养乐感的最佳途径。
2.In the sightsinging teaching,singing before recognizing music score is a very effective teaching method.作为音乐基础理论的视唱教学,越来越体现出它的重要性。

1.On the Teaching of Sightsinging in Higher Vocational Solfeggio Course;对高师视唱练耳课程中“视唱”教学的一些认识
2.The Focus of Experimental Singing and Ears Practice in Chorus Teaching in Teachers Schools;谈高师合唱教学中视唱练耳训练的侧重点
3.Solfeggio Solmization Teaching Theory and Practice of Research视唱练耳教学中唱名法的理论与实践研究
4.The tutorial was a teaching material of solfeggio and ear training to the modern music, and it gave a bran-new conception of solfeggio.该教程为现代音乐的视唱练耳教材,体现出全新的视唱思维观念。
5.Great and Monumental Solfeggio Series -on French Solfege des Solfeges and Others;视唱教程的鸿篇钜著——关于法国《雷·卡视唱教程》及其它
6.An awesome amount of information is stored in each video disk.每个电视唱片可存贮数量惊人的信息。
7.The sixth tone of the diatonic scale in solfeggio.视唱中全音阶的第六个音
8.fa:The fourth tone of the diatonic scale in solfeggio.视唱练习中全音阶的第四音.
9.The fourth tone of the diatonic scale in solfeggio.视唱练习中全音阶的第四音
10.Chats in the High Solfeggio Teaching the Rhythm Training;浅谈高师视唱练耳教学中的节奏训练
11.Preliminary Study on Development Teaching Assessment for Solfege;发展性视唱练耳教学评价的初步研究
12.The Harmony Sense of Hearing Training in Solfeggio Teaching of the Normal Schools;高师视唱练耳教学中的和声听觉训练
13.On Creating a Good Atmosphere in Solfeggio;试析视唱练耳教学中良好氛围的营造
14.Several Problems about Sight-singing and Ear Training Teaching;视唱练耳教学中应该注意的几个问题
15.The Application of Multi-medium Skill in the Sight-singing and Ear-drilling Teachings;多媒体技术在视唱练耳教学中的运用
16.Research For Multi-discipline Idea In Solfeggio Teaching;视唱练耳多学科渗透教学理念之探索
17.The Experience and Reflection of Piano Accompaniment in Sightsinging Teaching;钢琴伴奏在视唱教学中的体验与体现
18.On Voice Treatment in Sightsinging Teaching;变而通知——兼谈视唱教学中的音准处理

sight singing视唱
1.A Study on Interval Class-Sight Singing for Morden Music;现代音乐音程级视唱研究
2.s: The sense of tonality is the kernel of the traditional sight singing, while the intervals sense is the most important part of modern musical sight singing.传统音乐视唱的核心是调性感 ,与之相对应现代音乐视唱的核心则是音程感。
1.About the Solfeggio Teaching for Preschool Education Major in Higher Vocational Colleges;高职高专学前教育专业的视唱教学问题探讨
2.With the considerable coming forth of atonalistic music works,the training of atonalistic solfeggio has become a real problem crying for solution in the teaching of solfeggio.随着无调性音乐作品的大量涌现,无调性视唱训练在视唱教学中成为一个需要解决的的迫切现实问题,本文根据无调性视唱的特点,提出对无调性视唱的训练方法。
3.Developing the hearing sense of the students music is the essential part of teaching solfeggio.发展学生的内心音乐听觉 ,是视唱、练耳教学的重要内容 ,内心音乐听觉的发达程度是衡量学生音乐素质优劣的重要标志之一 ,就如何发展学生的内心音乐听觉 ,是广大音乐教育工作者共同关心的问题。
1.Flexibility in Teaching Solfeggio;谈谈视唱练耳课的灵活性教学
2.Reflections on Teaching Solfeggio at Teachers Colleges;对高师视唱练耳教学的几点认识
3.Comment on Solfeggio Teaching in Teachers College;高师视唱练耳课教学刍议
5)solfeggio and ear training视唱练耳
1.The solfeggio and ear training is a required course for all the music students in different subjects.视唱练耳是音乐学院各专业方向学生的必修课,在目前高校扩招,"精英教育"向"大众教育"的转轨阶段,如何有效地组织教学,真正做到因材施教,提高学生的视唱练耳水平,是我们面临的迫切课题。
2.As a new require for the education situatiQAon in the recent years, Subjuets-crossing is very significant for the innovation of Solfeggio and ear training, and is also the inevitable development trend of the solfeggio & ear training in high normal college.学科渗透是近年来教育形势的新要求,对视唱练耳教学的改革意义重大,也是高师视唱练耳课程发展的必然趋势。
3.In the context of the national reform in elementary music teaching, the Guide to Teaching the Course for majors by Teachers Education of Music at University, and the post-modernism perspective of teaching, the Solfeggio and Ear Training course s characteristics were analyzed academically, and its historical limitations as a Basic Subject of Music Theory were also pointed out.本文在国内基础音乐教育课程改革、高师音乐教育专业《课程指导方案》和后现代主义课程观三者组成的“语境”中,对高师视唱练耳的课程属性作了学理层面的探讨,指出了作为“基本乐科”课程属性的历史局限性,着重论述了课程属性的三维转向,以促进该课程的可持续发展,更好地回应基础音乐教育。
6)solfeggio & ear training视唱练耳
1.The essay has studied three textbooks of solfeggio & ear training which have been employed by music major in normal universities since 1980.以20世纪80年代以来高等师范音乐专业使用的三部视唱练耳教材《视唱教程》、《视唱练耳——卫星电视教育音乐教材(一~四)》和《基本乐科教程视唱卷、练耳卷》为研究对象,运用教材论,采用了文献检索法、访谈法、逻辑法、对比分析法等调查研究方法,对这三部处于不同历史时期的教材在编写原理、编写结构和编写方式等方面进行比较,并对高师视唱练耳教材以培养首调音感为主,发展一定的固定音感,补充弹唱教材,推行视唱练耳教学分级制的发展趋势进行了展望。
2.This paper discusses the important role of value tropism in the process of solfeggio & ear training course form the philosophy concept of value and tropism of value.本文从价值、价值取向等哲学概念入手,提出视唱练耳学科发展中对于视唱练耳课程价值取向认识的重要作用,论证了现代视唱练耳课程价值观,并由此提出基于现代视唱练耳课程价值取向的课程设计构想。
3.The essay has studied three textbooks of solfeggio & ear training which have been employed by music major in higher normal universities since 1980.纵观高师视唱练耳学科理论研究的现状,从视唱练耳教学法,教学改革等角度出发进行探讨的文章数量甚多,其中不乏真知灼见。

视唱与视奏  指对音乐作品不经过预习就能视谱即唱或视谱即奏的技能。这种技能可通过视唱、视奏训练来达到。    视唱训练的方法,一般用发声的元音或唱名来唱音阶、音程、旋律等。从17世纪起,已有声乐家为提高学生视唱能力而写的声乐练习曲。当时这种声乐练习曲与器乐曲混用里切尔卡的名称。18世纪时,意大利和法国出版的《意大利视唱练习》、《音乐院视唱练习》成为流行的视唱教科书后,各国音乐界逐渐认识到掌握视唱技能有助于专业上的发展,从而把视唱训练列为音乐教育的基础课程。作曲家和音乐教育家如G.A.韦奇、P.欣德米特、 Z.科达伊、H.维拉-洛博斯等编著的视唱练习教程,各具特色,一般都包括音程、和弦、节奏、调式、调性、各种谱表、移调、旋律与多声部训练等,并与练耳配合进行。    视奏能力的提高,对一般乐器演奏者来说可通过视唱来进行训练。对钢琴演奏者来讲,除了视唱训练外,还需在钢琴上实习,以达到双目视谱,心中有音,十指得心应手。如果要在钢琴上视奏重奏、合奏总谱时,由于不能直接获得其他乐器真实的音响音色效果,还需用听觉想象来加以弥补。    参加重唱、合唱或参加重奏、合奏、伴奏等活动,对乐理、和声、复调、曲式等知识的掌握,都是提高视唱、视奏能力的有效手段。