1.This paper,from a semantic perspective,discusses the issue of polar sensitivity which has been studied for forty years since Klima s time,and expounds the conditions of license,including negation,downward context,(non) veridicality context,and their limitations.本文从语义的角度,介绍了自Klima[1]以来(四十多年)国外对极性敏感项的允准问题的研究,阐述了允准条件从否定、下单调语境,到(非)真实性语境的变化及各自的局限性。
2.The paper focuses on the aspectual adverbs in Mandarin Chinese,and proves that the aspectual adverbs in Mandarin Chinese are a kind of PPI,and the distribution of the aspectual adverbs conforms to the hypothesis proposed by Ginnakidou[1],which says that veridical operator licenses PPI.本文通过对汉语中的时态副词的研究,证明了时态副词也是一种正极项,并验证了Ginnakidou[1]所提出的真实性算子对极性敏感项的允准的假说同样适用于解释汉语中的正极项的分布。
3., perfect aspectual operator, experience aspectual operator, progressive aspectual operator, and short aspectual operator are veridical operators;⑵Chinese PPIs can be licensed by veridical operators;⑶PPIs and NPIs in Mandarin Chinese distribute symmetrically and are unified under (non)veridical contexts.本论文从汉语时态的角度,对汉语中的时态算子对汉语正极项的允准进行了初步的研究;并试图证明以下三个问题:⑴汉语中的时态算子:完成态算子,经历态算子,进行态算子,及短暂态算子为真实性算子;⑵汉语中的正极项能够被真实性算子允准;⑶汉语中的正极项与负极项呈对称性分布,并统一于(非)真实性语境。

1.The prayer of your pride has been answered. The prayer of your repentance will be answered too.你的骄傲的祈祷已经获得允准。你的悔罪的祈祷也会被允准的。
2.So he gave ear to them in this thing and put them to the test for ten days.委办便允准他们这件事,试看他们十天。
3.License for Polar Sensitivity: from Negation to(None) Veridicality;极性敏感项的允准:从否定到(非)真实性
4.permissible discharge of standard cell标准电池允许放电量
5.The "Fair Value" Criterion's Amendment:Good or Bad?--Comments to Amend the U.S. "Fair Value"Criterion“公允价值”准则修订是否公允?——评美国修改“公允价值”准则
6.You have already approved or rejected the document; you are not allowed to review it again.您已批准或否决了文档,不允许再审阅。
7.No unauthorized entry after dark!天黑以后未经允许不准入内!
8.give sb/get/have permission to make full use of sth允许某人[得到许可/获准]充分使用某物
9.elapsed time standard灭火各阶段最多允许时间标准
10.The state of being allowed to enter.准许进入,加入被允许进入的状态
11.The act of admitting or allowing to enter.准许进入,加入承认或允许进入的动作
12.permissible commulative discharge of standard cell标准电池允许累积放电量
13.permissible cumulative discharge of standard cell标准电池允许累计放电量
14.To mark with an indication of official sanction.使生效,批准带有政府允许表示标志
15.Slice standard function only allowed as open array argumentSlice标准函数只允许作为打开数组参数
16.To grant someone permission to build a house or to leave the country给某人建房的允许或离开该国的准许
17.To interfere with the internal affairs of other countries is not allowed by international law.干涉他国内政是国际准则不允许的。
18.To grant someone permission to build a house or to leave the country.给某人建房的允许或离开该国的准许。

allowed concentration允许标准
1.When interrogative pronoun and negative word appear simultaneously,the former is restrained by syntactic licensor including negative operator.疑问代词和否定词共现时,前者要受到包括否定算子在内的句法允准语的约束。
4)Licensing context允准语境
