1.Through the comprehensive analysis of the theme, characters, story and ideological connotation of A Tale of Western Pilgrimage, the paper discussesits positive meaning in the great rejuvenation of China.通过对《西游记》题旨、人物、故事以及思想内涵的全面分析,探讨其在中华民族伟大振兴中的积极意义,认为《西游记》所表现出的异域探索的开放意识、抗争与进取精神、自由与秩序的辩证统一、无所不在的“变”的哲学、人格理想的批判精神、团队和群体奋斗的精神以及人才思想,是民族振兴中必不可少的重要精神财富。

1.On the Fish Image in The Books of Songs--Discussion on the Major Idea of Jiuyu in Binfeng;《诗经》鱼意象新论——兼辨《豳风·九罭》题旨
2.The Main Idea of Rectifying Interpret Classic by LIU Xie and Its Literary Theory Significance;《文心雕龙·正纬》题旨及文学理论意义
3.On the Multiplicity of the Drama Ideological Content:to Take Autumn in Palace as an Example;以“题旨结构”理论解析《汉宫秋》思想内涵的丰富性
4.Salvation in Ache--On Bi Fei-yu s Aching Writng;疼痛中的救赎——毕飞宇小说的疼痛题旨解读
5.The Metaphor of Forgetting in Milan Kundera s Fiction;遗忘与记忆的变奏──米兰·昆德拉小说的题旨隐喻
6.Reform of Physical Experimental Teaching Through College Entrance Examination Paper;从高考试题旨趣看物理实验教学的改革
7.A dominant theme or central idea.主旨主题或中心思想
8.That's something extrinsic to the subject.那是对本题无关宏旨的东西。
9.The book aims at the social problem caused by drug-taking.这本书旨在讨论吸毒引起的社会问题。
10.main point or theme(of remarks,etc);gist(言语、评论等的)要点,主题,要旨
11.On the Theme of "Everlasting Regret";味外之旨,韵外之致——《长恨歌》主题再探讨
12.The essence of Zhu Xi s doctrine of "to investigate things is to attain knowledge"from the challenge of Zhang Yinlin;从张荫麟问题看朱熹的格物致知之旨
13.Taking Scholarship as the Final Purpose ──Study on the History of Xiling Seal Engravers Society;以学术为旨归——西泠印社社史研究二题
14.The Obstacle of Integration in Germany德国一体化困境中的原教旨主义问题
15.Matters and Measures in the Course of Carrying out NCLB's Substance美国NCLB主旨实现过程中的问题及对策
16.On the Themes of Wanqiu in Chen Feng,Book of Songs--About the Methodological Issues on the Themes of the Book of Songs《诗经·陈风·宛丘》主旨辨正——兼及《诗经》主旨阐释的方法问题
17.The questionnaire aims to hi i t some of the major issues rinsed during the debate.问题表旨在突出辩论中提出的若干重要问题。
18.A theme, an argument, or a subject indicated in a title.论点,主旨,主题标题当中显示出来的主题、论点或题材

the prototype theme原型题旨
1.However,it constructs in the myth system conceals the universal symbol and the prototype theme not yet obtain break a code fully.然而,它所建构的神话系统中所隐含的普遍象征性与原型题旨尚未得到充分破译。
3)theme structure题旨结构
1.This paper attempts to change the traditional way of thinking theme,and believes that Autumn in Palace is of a kind of"theme structure",which is produced instantaneously through combination of numerous thinking factors in the specific historical esthetic situation.文章试图改变主题的传统思维方式,认为《汉宫秋》具有一种"题旨结构",即由众多的思想因子在特定的历史美学情境中瞬间交融而成。
2.Theme structure,the special nature of the works led to the richness of ideological content.《汉宫秋》具有一种"题旨结构",它由众多的思想因子在特定的文化美学情境中瞬间交融而成,"题旨结构"的特殊性导致了作品思想内涵的丰富性,这也正是一部作品产生众多主题说的根本原因;同时,"题旨结构"理论也为我们探究其他类似戏剧作品的思想内涵指出了一条可行之路。
4)political theme政治题旨
1.In NianLuJiao ?KunLun , MaoZedong merged the KunLun mythology with the philosophy of “one divides into three” creatively , which brings not only sharp reproduction and striking imagination but artistic manifestation to NianLuJiao ?KunLun , and then it expresses the political theme of “combating imperialism”.在《念奴娇·昆仑》里,毛泽东同志创造性地将昆仑神话和“一分为三”的哲学意蕴融合为一体,不仅赋予了《念奴娇·昆仑》以深刻的再现力和奇特的想象力,而且也赋予了《念奴娇·昆仑》以艺术的表现形式,进而艺术化地表达了“反对帝国主义”的政治题旨
5)the self-examining theme反思题旨
6)Productive theme创作题旨
