1.A Supplement to the Xiu Which Means High;“”之“高出、特出”义补说
2.And Xiu refers to key sentences in his articles,which are flowery,meaningful and full of feelings."隐"是"任笔"的一个突出特点。

1.Xiu, give Mrs. Chu your arm."—阿,来扶朱三太。”
2.a class(tennis)player优(网球)运动员.
3."Don't worry, Ho Hsiu-mei!“妹! 你不要怕!
4.clear water, mystic crags and grotesque caves.水、美石和奇洞。
5.Brilliant technique or style in performance.优演技表演的优技巧或风格
6.Xiu Mei was one of the best science students at her school.玫是学校里最优的理科学生之一。
7.She was entitled “The Backbone Teacher” and “Outstanding Class Teacher”.市级优教师、骨干教师和优班主任。
8.“Women show” With “Show women” --the literature text and movie’s comparison of 《 Life Show 》 in angle of view and sex words;“女人”与“女人”——《生活》文学文本与电影中视角及性别话语比较
9.The Interpretation of Sula from the Feminist Perspective--Comments on the Image of Sula in Toni Morrison’s Sula;拉形象的女权主义解读——评托妮·莫里森《拉》中的拉形象
10.her jet hair她那乌黑发亮的
11.Diamond in the rough or rough diamond外表粗鲁而内的人
12.Ho Hsiu-mei hung her head in silence.何妹低了头不作声。
13.top-flight computer scientists最优的计算机科学家.
14.Beautiful fair hair crowns her head.她长着一头浅色的发.
15.in an excellent and skilled manner.以优的、熟练的方式。
16.Truth have a good face, but bad clothes.真理虽褴褛,面貌却娟
17.Forest-clad mountains and limpid streams complete the scene here.这里山清水,景色优美。
18.They are good leaders.他们是优的领导者。

1.The Assessment of Effect of Intervention to the Maternal and Child Health Care and the Analysis of the Influencing Factors in Xiushan County;山县卫生Ⅷ项目妇幼保健干预措施及其效果评价
2.On An Error Word in Xiushan Folk Song Chinese Little-leaf Box Shoulder Pole ;析山民歌《黄杨扁担》的一字之误
3.Analysis of TVEs Ownership Transition in Xiushan;山乡镇企业所有制变迁分析
1.Surface Ruptures Induced by Associated Wenchuan Earthquake in Yingxiu and Hongkou Area汶川大地震中映-虹口地区的地表破裂
2.The Yingxiu fault zone is a brittle and ductile thrust formed under a long-time napping.依据龙门山中段映断裂带构造岩的宏观地质特征、显微构造及组构特征,论证了构造岩具有脆性和韧性两大类型,形成序次上为先韧性后脆性。
1.The field experimment was conducted to evaluate the effect of sowing dates and planting density on the fresh pod yield and pod-seed characteristics of vegetable soybean cultivar Chuxiu.播期和密度两因子对楚鲜荚产量及荚粒性状影响的研究结果表明:①A3B3(播期6月25日、密度24×104株/hm2)是适宜的播期和种植密度处理,鲜荚产量达到9050。
1.Construction and Development on Forest Park in Maixiu;麦森林公园的建设和发展

巴戎巴·达玛旺秀《藏传佛教高僧传略》【巴戎巴·达玛旺秀《藏传佛教高僧传略》】  ——巴戎噶举创始人  巴戎巴·达玛旺秀,意为“兴盛自在”。公元12世纪人,巴戎噶举派创始人。出生于前藏彭域(今彭波),属达喀瓦家族。  童年时来了一位修习密宗的幼童,密童说了许多赞颂法王岗波巴(米拉日巴的著名弟子塔波拉杰)的话,而且对达玛旺秀说:“你若到法王那里去,法王会喜欢你。”他对密童说:“那么,现在你能带我去那里见法王吗?”密童欣然同意。于是两人同行来到岗波地方。刚到岗波,密童已不知去向,传说密童就是岗波巴所化现。此时,达玛旺秀同岗波巴见面,岗波巴喜悦而摄受他,用直观教导法教育他,遂使他成为殊胜通达者。后来巴戎巴在后藏拉堆绛(今之后藏昂仁地力)修建了巴戎寺,他就住进该寺,直到晚年。他拥有许多门徒,以密教大印修法及显教大印境界教授弟子。据传巴戎寺常有“空行”来集,并有许多飞禽聚集其地。由此巴戎巴形成了独立的传承体系,成为巴戎噶举。后来因族中不和,纷争迭起,出现了寺院住持频繁易人,削弱了势力,乃至教派与寺院逐渐衰落。据《巴戎金鬘》载,巴戎噶举经康区传入青海玉树一带,至今仍有该派的寺院和僧人。  达玛旺秀是岗波巴的亲授弟子,又是帝师热巴(可能是西夏的一位帝师,因那时元朝尚未建立)的教师。据传帝师为优奖师德,曾建一座大银塔,奉安在巴戎寺中。  (根据网上资料编辑)