1.To summarize the rules of labial divergence is helpful for distinguishing the pronunciation and meaning of characters, and also for revealing some cultural phenomena early at the beginning of character formation.唇音分化是汉语语音演变发展的一种重要现象,归纳、总结唇音分化的规律可以用于辨析字音、区别字义,还可以揭示某些汉字造字之初的文化现象。
2.The transformation between some syllables with labial initial and some syllables with initial h in archaic Chinese is a reflection of the exchange between labial and semivowel w in Chinese-Tibetan.上古汉语中唇音声母字与晓母字的通转的现象反映了汉藏语中唇辅音与半元音w的交替,与现代汉语方言中h与f交替的现象是完全不同的两回事。

1.Articulated mainly by closing or partly closing the lips, as the sounds(b), (m), or(w).唇音的闭上嘴唇或部份闭上嘴唇而发音的,如(b),(m)或(w)音
2.Articulated mainly by closing or partly closing the lips, as the sounds(b), (b>mb>), or(w).唇音的闭上嘴唇或部份闭上嘴唇而发音的,如(b),(b>mb>)或(w)音
3.The Dentals,Labials and the Voiced Initials of the Family of Xuan Ying s(玄应) Speech Sound;玄应音系中的舌音、唇音和全浊声母
4.Pronounced or articulated with both lips, as the consonants b, p, m, and w.双唇音的用双唇发音或说话的,如辅音b,p,m和w。
5.In English, b, p, m and w are bilabials.英语中的b、p、m、w为双唇音.
6.The Study on Labial Fan-qie Comparison between Jingdianshiwen and Guangyun;《经典释文》与《广韵》唇音反切对比研究
7.Labial Divergence and Literacy Teaching in High Schools;从汉语唇音分化看中学语文识字教学
8.a consonant whose articulation involves movement of the lips.发音时,双唇运动的辅音。
9.Articulated with the lower lip and upper teeth, as the sounds(f)and(v).唇齿音的用下唇和上齿发音的,如(f)音和(v)音
10.pronounce with rounded lips.用圆形的唇发出声音。
11.the vocal organs,ie the tongue,lips,vocal cords,etc发音器官(舌、唇、声带等)
12.a stop consonant that is produced with the lips.双唇产生的爆破辅音。
13.an organ stop with the tone of a flue pipe.带有唇管音质的风琴音栓。
14.One of the organs of speech, such as the lips or tongue.发音器官一个发音器官,如嘴唇或舌头
15.Articulated through the mouth only, with the nasal passages closed.口腔发音的只通过嘴、唇发音的,发音时鼻腔紧闭
16.To pronounce(a sound)with the lips in a flattened or neutral position.不圆唇发音靠嘴唇里扁平位置或中性位置来发(一个音)
17.a greedy smack of the lips as he cut into the steak他切牛排时馋得嘴唇一张发出的声音.
18.His lips moved and some unintelligible sound came out.他嘴唇微动,发出含糊难懂的声音。

labial synchronization唇音同步
3)labial words唇音字
4)light lip sound轻唇音
1.For Tibetan language,it is generally thought that there has been no light lip sounds so far;the sound f is one phoneme borrowed from other phonemes.学术界一般认为安多藏语至今还没有轻唇音,f只是一个借词音位。
5)labial initials唇音声母
1.On the labial initials of LU Deming s fanqie system in Jindian Shiwen;《经典释文》陆氏反切唇音声母考
6)labiodental sound唇齿音

唇音  见等韵。