入声,entering tone
1)entering tone入声
1.Characteristics of Light Sounds and Pitch Pattern——A case from the tone sandhi of light sounds and entering tone in Nanjing dialect;轻声音高模式的特性——以南京方言轻声和入声音变为例
2.This article investigated the entering tone character of "Broad Rhyme" reflected in Liaocheng dialect.本文调查了《广韵》的入声字在聊城方言中韵母和声调的变化情况,其特点是:入声韵尾全部消失,几乎全部变成阴声韵;入声派入四声:阴平、阳平、上声、去声。
3.The division of even tone into "Yin" and "Yang" and the existence of entering tone(Ru Sheng) reflect its faithful description of tones at that time.明末乔中和《元韵谱》一书中的声调系统,为阴平、阳平、上声、去声、入声五类,其中平分阴阳、保留入声调,反映了16世纪末、17世纪初河北内丘语音的面貌。

1.equivalent input sound pressure of microphone传声器等效输入声
2.On Development of Syllables and Tunes of Ru Sheng;论入声韵音节声调的演变——《入声论》之十三
3.Classification of South Dialect in Anxiang;从入声的归并看安乡“南边话”的分类——兼论“去声归入”还是“入声归去”
4.With no In-tone in the Nine Rhymes, Either Flat Tone or Oblique Tone is Acceptable ──A survey on the ancient in tone characters;九道辙无入声,平仄可讲──关于古入声字的调查
5.A Study of Rhyming in Poetry and Prose in the Liang Dynasty;梁代诗文阳声韵入声韵用韵数理分析
6.A phonetic study of the Pingshan dialect;河北平山方言去声字入声调读音研究
7.The Methods to Study on the Relations Between the Level Tone and the Entering Tone in JiangYougao’s Work;论江有诰《入声表凡例》研究入声及平入关系的方法
8.Studies on the Evolution of Nasal Rhythm End and Consonant Rhythm End of Modern Age Chinese;近代汉语阳声韵尾和入声韵尾的演变研究
9.The sounds of the wind, of the rain, and of reading aloud all come to my ears; the affairs of the family, of the state and of the world are all my concerns.风声、雨声、读书声,声声入耳;家事、国事、天下事,事事关心。
10.He jumped with a splash into the fiver.他扑通一声跳入河中。
11.The river roared him to sleep.河流的轰隆声使他入睡。
12.Expected a property name for the " : " declaration.应输入“:”声明的属性名。
13.sonar dome insertion loss声呐导流罩插入损失
14.A roaring sound greeted his ears.隆隆的响声传入他耳朵。
15.His voice could search the heart.他的声音能够深入人心。
16.a quiet song that lulls a child to sleep.使孩子入睡的轻声吟唱。
17.I'll try and sing the baby to sleep.我试用歌声使婴孩入睡。
18.Normal incidence垂直入射(亦见直射声束)

the entering tone入声
1.It analyses the Uygur-Chinese diaphone literature and indicates that at that time Chinese characters with the entering tone has not completely dosappeared it can provide new information for nesearch on the entering tone in the 15th centary.《高昌馆杂字》回鹘文汉文对音材料中的入声字分为两类,一类是没有入声韵尾的;另一类是回鹘文对音仍出现入声韵尾(-p,-t,-k)的,分析入声字的对音情况,讨论证明当时的汉语共同语入声并未完全消失,为研究15世纪汉语入声的演变提供新资料。
2.This paper has made a research on rhythms between the falling tone and the entering tone in the rhythm prose from the Qin Dynasty to the Southern and Northern Dynasties,and then made use of the theory of the falling tone coming from-s ending to analyze the reasons for rhythm between the falling tone and the entering tone and the phonetic system and era when-s ending wholly lost.文章研究了先秦到南北朝时期韵文里去声和入声的押韵情况,利用去声来源于-s尾的理论,分析去入相押的原因以及-s尾最终消失的语音机制和时代。
3.This paper inspects the different views of researchers on the entering tone of Zhongyuan Yinyun(中原音韵), and supplements the view that Zhongyuan Yinyun (中原音韵) didn t hawe the entering tone with inspecting comprehensively the entering tone in Arabian-Chinese diaphone literature in Huihui prescription(回回药方).本文较全面地考察了前贤研究《中原音韵》入声的不同意见,通过对阿汉对音材料中入声的全面考察,补充证明了《中原音韵》无入声的观点。
1.Study on the Historical Development of Rusheng in Hunan Dialect;论湘语入声演变的历史轨迹
2.Since Yellow River had changed its riverway, the old drainage area became a mixed zone characterized both languages, and also marked the boundary between the accents of Jiantuan and Rusheng.黄河迁徙后,中间故道便成为两边语言的融合带、过渡带,也成为新乡方言入声和尖团音的分界线。
1.In fact the entering-tone had vanished in the times of Wu-fang Yuan-yin in the large northern area.《五方元音》一书存有入声,这是一种假象,是为了迁就传统韵书的需要,是折中的产物,其实《五方元音》时代的广大北方地区入声已经普遍消失。
2.There are 12 rhyme categories, 19 initial consonants in fact, and 5 tones apparently with entering-tone disappearing as the matter of fact in Wu Fang Yuan Yin.书中韵分十二部,声母实际有十九类,声调表面有五,实际入声已经消失。
5)Ru Sheng入声
1.Xingtai dialect is distinctive, especially the phenomena of Ru Sheng, which deserves more attention and research.位于河北省南部的邢台地区处于冀鲁官话和晋语的交接地带,方言颇有特点,尤其是入声现象,由南向北,从复杂到简单,从系统地保留入声入声全部消失,体现出语言的过渡性和渐变性,很有研究价值。
2.Ru Sheng had changed greatly during this time that changed the pronunciation structure and gradually disappeared.入声在这期间发生了巨大的变化,一改原来的语音结构而朝彻底消失发展。
6)not an independent phoneme"入声非声
