1.Zhi was one of the prepositions which had been fully discussed in mashi wentong."之"是《马氏文通》介字篇中着墨最多,论述也最全面、最充分的介字之一,马建忠归纳了各种"之"字结构,并对"之"在这些结构中所处的位置和所具有的语法功能进行了系统的阐述。
2.However, there still exist some places in need of further discussion and corrections, such as the principles it summarizes to distinguish preposition from conjunction, and the remark of taking juxtaposition phrases as appositives.但它所归纳出来的《文通》用以区分介字与连字的原则,以及认为《文通》把“名代等字连书而意平列者”如“利与命与仁”之类列入了同次,是不甚妥当的。
3.Judging from the context,it is clear that the author\'s original intention is to tell the difference between the two Chinese prepositions Yong(用)and Yi(以).原句本意在于论说介字"用"和介字"以"的区别,正确的说法应该是:"‘用\'……司名字罕见,否与‘以\'字无异矣"。
2)digital media数字媒介
1.Under the background of globalization, informationalization and digitalization, digital media is penetrating into our lives.在全球化信息化数字化的时代背景下,数字媒介正在渗透我们的生活。
2.Facing this kind of situation, how to recognize the influence of digital media on primary painting education, how to make full use of the digital media technology and the profound resources, and how .今天,数字媒介正在逐渐影响到我们生活的每一个角落,从日常生活到科学研究,几乎没有一个领域还能够独立于数字信息技术而获得新的发展,美术教育领域也概莫能外。
3.In the age of the Internet, people begin to pay more attention to the benefits brought by digital media, such as richness, flexibility, timely information and personal requirements and so on, but it does not mean people have not relied on or not liked the traditional media any more such as newspaper and magazine etc.身处网络时代的大众已经开始更多的关注数字媒介所带来的丰富多彩、灵活多变及资讯快捷和个性化需求,但这并不意味着人们已经放弃了对报刊杂志等传统媒介的依赖和喜好。

1.The Literature Character Cleared up by Digital Media and Constructed by Techniques;数字媒介对文学性的消解与技术建构
2.Humanism: digital media ecology and advertising communication;以人为本:数字媒介生态与广告传播
3.The Construction of Party School Digital-media Remote Teaching System in Higher Institutes;数字媒介下高校党校远程教学体系的构建
4.The Smooth Space and Rhizomic Way of Thinking:The Poetics of Digital Media by Deleuze;光滑空间与块茎思维:德勒兹的数字媒介诗学
5.Simple Analysis on Relationship between Design Thinking and the Visual Information of Digital Media浅析数字媒介的视觉信息与设计思维之关系
6.The Study of Digital TV Influence upon Media Ecology System;数字电视对媒介生态系统的影响研究
7.Study on Strategy of Digital TV Development under the Media Convergence媒介融合下的数字电视发展策略研究
8.A Joy Carol of Digital Era: An Analysis of Paul Levinson's Media Theory数字时代的欢乐颂——保罗·莱文森媒介理论分析
9.Digitalized Print Media and Changes in Cultural Transmission Pattern印刷媒介数字化与文化传递模式的变迁
10.The Rise of Cyber-mediators and New Horizons of Publication in the Digital Age数字时代电子媒介人的崛起与出版新视界
11.The Media Environment of Price-setting and Its Strategy of Digtal Pay-TV数字付费电视的媒介环境及其定价策略
12.The Research of Use Digital Television to Promote Minors Media Literacy Education;运用数字电视媒体促进未成年人媒介素养教育的研究
13.Economic Analysis on Digital Music--Based on the Long Tail Theory数字音乐的媒介经济学分析——基于长尾理论的视角
14.On the Content Integration and Channel Integration of Digital Newspaper Industry--The Development Strategy of Newspaper Industry in the Age of Media Integration数字报业的内容融合与渠道融合——媒介融合时代的报业发展战略
15.Creditability of the Media in the Digital Age:a Survey on the Creditability of On-line Information and Media News Reports by Chinese Journalists数字时代的媒介信任——关于中国新闻工作者对网络信息与媒体新闻报道信任度的调查
16.The Unnormal Phenomenon of Spoken and Written Language in Mass Media and Countermeasures;传播媒介语言文字不规范现象及对策
17.Include digital media files from removable media包括可移动媒体中的数字媒体文件
18.Add digital media files to Media Library when played播放后将数字媒体文件添加到媒体库

digital media数字媒介
1.Under the background of globalization, informationalization and digitalization, digital media is penetrating into our lives.在全球化信息化数字化的时代背景下,数字媒介正在渗透我们的生活。
2.Facing this kind of situation, how to recognize the influence of digital media on primary painting education, how to make full use of the digital media technology and the profound resources, and how .今天,数字媒介正在逐渐影响到我们生活的每一个角落,从日常生活到科学研究,几乎没有一个领域还能够独立于数字信息技术而获得新的发展,美术教育领域也概莫能外。
3.In the age of the Internet, people begin to pay more attention to the benefits brought by digital media, such as richness, flexibility, timely information and personal requirements and so on, but it does not mean people have not relied on or not liked the traditional media any more such as newspaper and magazine etc.身处网络时代的大众已经开始更多的关注数字媒介所带来的丰富多彩、灵活多变及资讯快捷和个性化需求,但这并不意味着人们已经放弃了对报刊杂志等传统媒介的依赖和喜好。
3)Digital medium数字媒介
1.Zhang Jing points out that digital medium has produced unprecedented aesthetics and had people rethink about the relationships between fiction and reality, subject and object, writing and accep.对于数字媒介时代文艺学的转型问题,欧阳友权从艺术活动主体审美动因的改变、电子化文本对书写语言诗性的解构、技术语境对艺术经典的消解等三个方面进行了深入阐述。
2.In this paper, we classify the concept of medium and media in order to give further analysis of the relationship of concept between digital medium and digital media, new medium and new media.本文通过界定媒体与媒介概念的方法,进一步剖析数字媒体与数字媒介、新媒体与新媒介的概念关系,从而得出新媒体的概念范畴,并基于此概念疏理新媒体商业应用设计的类型,以期为今后的新媒体研究提供理论基础。
4)End-of-Medium (EM Character)介末字符
5)On Chinese Character "介关于"介"字
6)jie-shape cap(crest)(半)介字形冠
