1.Another Research Into the Phonetic Basis of Xieyin in Shi Ji Zhuan;《诗集传》叶音语音根据别考——叶音系列研究之三
2.Researches on Similarities and Differences of Xieyin by Zhuxi and Wuyu;《慈湖诗传》、《诗总闻》及其他宋人著述中辑得《毛诗补音》佚文千馀条,与《诗集传》叶音比较后发现,朱熹叶音并不是照抄吴棫,而是以改订为主适当借鉴,反映 3 他自己的古音学说。

1.Another Research Into the Phonetic Basis of Xieyin in Shi Ji Zhuan;《诗集传》叶音语音根据别考——叶音系列研究之三
2.On the Phonetic Basis and Its Value of Xieyin(叶音) Annotated by Zhu Xi(朱熹) in His Shiji Zhuan(诗集传) and Chuci Jizhu(楚辞集注);论朱熹诗骚叶音的语音根据及其价值
3.DifferentVowels in the Xieyin of Fengyayi and its Comparison with Zhongyuan Yinyun;《风雅翼》叶音今音韵系及其与《中原音韵》的比较
4.The Ancient Rhyme Categories of Ye in Shijizhuan(Eight-volumed)《诗集传》(八卷本)叶音古韵分部考——叶音系列研究之三
5.Chen Di was the first to reject" Xieyin Phonetic Notation", and proposed the" phonetic mutation".陈第首次破除"叶音说"并提出"音有转移"的主张。
6.The Rhymes in Shijizhuan: Revised and Corrected by Zhu Xi on the Basis of Maoshibuyin;论朱熹《诗集传》叶音对吴《毛诗补音》的改订
7.The Differentiation of Xie Yin between the Detailed Annotations of Du s Poems and the Explanation of Reading Du s Poems;《杜诗详注》与《读杜诗说》叶音考辨
8.The Purifying Power in Music--On Ichiyou Higuchi s Kotonone;音乐的净化力量——樋口一叶的《琴之音》
9.Differences in the Yin-xie of ZHU Xi's Shi-ji-zhuan and WU Yu's Shi-bu-yin朱熹《诗集传》与吴棫《诗补音》音叶考异
10.A Study on Geometric Methods for Designing Supersonic Aerofoil of Axial Flow Compressor轴流压气机超音叶片叶型几何设计方法的研究
11.Numerical Research on Effects of Splitter Blades on a Transonic Centrifugal Compressor Impeller跨音速离心压缩机叶轮分流叶片的数值研究
12.Using fourier series to analyze the factor which decide timbre;利用傅里叶级数分析决定乐音音色的因素
13.On the Literal Phonology of Suzhou Dialect in the Mid-19th Century in Words in the Dialect 《乡音字类》;《乡音字类》所反映的十九世纪中叶苏州话读书音
14.Novel Articulatory Feature based Dynamic Bayesian Network model for speech recognition结合发音特征的动态贝叶斯网络语音识别模型
15.make a dry crackling sound, as of silk or leaves.像丝绸和树叶一样发出沙沙的声音。
16.In 1998, Julie lost her wonderful voice.1998年,朱丽叶失去了动听的嗓音。
17.Fourier synthesis is the process of building the sound back up again.傅里叶合成是将声音重新构成的过程。
18.The sound of the blades whipping through the air sounds like music.浆叶划过天空的呼啸声就象音乐一般。

Ye tone marks叶音标记
3)"Xie Yin Phonetic Notatiion"叶音说
4)Tieguanyin tea leaf铁观音茶叶
5)view of Chinese not having the sound Ye in ancient times古无叶音说
6)supersonic cascade超音速叶栅

叶音  也称叶韵,叶句。"叶"也作"协"。南北朝以后的人读周秦两汉韵文感到不押韵,就临时改变其中一个或几个押韵字的读音,使韵脚和谐。这是由于不懂古今语音不同所致。例如,《诗·关睢》末章:"参差荇菜,左右芼之。窈窕淑女,钟鼓乐之。"清代阮元刻《十三经注疏》附《释文》说:"乐之,音洛,又音岳。或云协韵宜五教反。"这是因为诗里"乐"与"芼" (mao)押韵,"乐"念 yao(即五教反)最和谐。遇到两可的地方,很难处理。《诗经》里的《鄘风·柏舟》、《黍离》、《 十月之交 》都用"天"、"人"两个字押韵。据元代熊朋来《经说》说,宋代吴棫改"天"字读音为tīn,郑庠改"人"字读音为rán。《诗·驺虞》每章最后都有一句可以不押韵的副歌"吁嗟乎驺虞",朱熹让第1章副歌的"虞"随上文读 yá(朱注:叶音牙)让第2章副歌的"虞"随上文读 wēng(朱注:叶五红反),根本没有确定的标准。因此自从明代陈第提出所谓叶音恰好是古本音的说法以来,清代学者也极力反对叶音说。