1.On the basis of sufficient materials collected from many locations, and according to the affixes degree in grammaticalization, performance in compound-derivation, character in the phonics, the common suffixes of Gan dialects in Ji an can be divided into the following types: typical-suffix and quasi-suffix.本文以详实的语料为基础,根据词缀的语义虚化程度、构词能力和词缀的读音特点,将吉安赣语的常用后缀分为“典型后缀”和“类后缀”两类作系统的描写和分析,力图展示吉安赣语常用后缀的共时类型与历时演变的源流关系。

1.A Study on Noun Suffix (Quasi-Suffix) Denoting Person in Modern Chinese;现代汉语表人名词后缀、类后缀考察
2.A cognitive study of locality quasi suffixes"tou"and"mian"in modern Chinese;现代汉语方位类后缀“-头”和“-面”的认知考察
3.The part of speech of those words wich can combine with suffix "然(ran)" series are: adjectives , adverbs, werbs, nouns and echoic words.可以与“然”类后缀相结合的有形容词、副词、动词、名词及少量的拟声词;
4.-ard [ - ard, ] .-ard[后缀]。
5.// has a file suffix - shell file type too//带文件后缀-同样为外壳程序文件类型
6.(suffix) resembling or characteristic of something specified.(后缀)类似或具有某一指定事物的特性的。
7.A suffix that identifies the kind of organization it is (such as .com for a commercial organization)标识组织类型的后缀(例如 .com 表示商业组织)
8.An Improved Text Clustering Algorithm of Generalized Suffix Tree一种改进的基于广义后缀树的文本聚类算法
9.Suffix Tree Based Label Generation Method for Web Search Results Clustering基于后缀树的Web检索结果聚类标签生成方法
10.Implementation of Chinese and English Clustering Engine Based on Improved Suffix Tree Algorithm基于改进后缀树算法中英文聚类引擎的实现
11.You need to rename files throughout a subtree of directories, specifically changing the names of all files with a given extension so that they end in another extension.需要遍历目录,重命名文件,特别的改变特定类型文件的名称后缀为其他后缀.
12.(prefix) coming after.(前缀)之后出现的。
13.suffix notation后缀表示法 -软件
14.There are two versions of each type of operator, often called the prefix and postfix versions.对每种类型的运算符,都有两个版本可供选用; 通常将其称为“前缀版”和“后缀版”。
15.The combined length of the non-collision prefix/suffix and the collision prefix/suffix cannot exceed 8 characters.非冲突的前缀/后缀和冲突的前缀/后缀合并起来不能超过8个字符。
16.The Pronunciation of Redulplication Suffix in ABB Model Adjective;带叠音后缀形容词的叠音后缀的读音
17.On the Deriving Mechanism of Chinese Affixes and the Similarities and Differences of the Prefixes and Suffixes汉语词缀的衍生机制和前缀后缀的异同
18.When items in a shop are alphabetized, they are sorted first by base name (e.g. sword, dagger) and then by prefix (e.g. masterwork, vorpal).商店里的物品首先以基础类别进行字母排序,而后以前缀二次排序。

1.The comparison and analysis show that STC(Suffix Tree Clustering) algorithm is better than k-Means and Ant-based clustering algorithms.在此基础上选择k-Means聚类算法、STC(后缀树聚类)算法和基于Ant的聚类算法进行了实验对比。
2.The comparison results show that STC(Suffix Tree Clustering) algor.利用标准的分类测试集合进行聚类质量的量化评价,选择了k-Means聚类算法、STC(后缀树聚类)算法和基于Ant的聚类算法进行了实验对比。
3)quasi-suffixes frame类后缀框架
1.Firstly, on the basis of semantic background the quasi-suffixes frames explicit, divide them into two types: explicit descriptive semantic feature, and explicit declarative semantic feature.本文从语义、语法角度探讨类后缀框架对能进入其中的词语的选择机制。
4)suffix tree clustering(STC)后缀树聚类(STC)
1.The Characteristics of the Quasi-suffixes of Chinese Language and Methods of Judgment;汉语准后缀的特征和判定
2.The suffix "ting"(挺) in the dialect of Jilin Province;谈吉林方言中的后缀“挺”
3.An Analysis of English suffixes Denoting the Meaning of a "Person";表示“人”概念的英语名词后缀分析
1."Zi"(子) and "Er"(儿) are the important suffixes of noun in modern Chinese,although their capability of constructing new words descends,the quantity of words with "Zi" and "Er" still takes the first place."子"和"儿"作为重要的名词后缀,到现代汉语中虽然构词能力降低,但构词数量仍居首位。
2.In English there are many suffixes of person.英语中表示人称的后缀很多。
3.This paper expounds the importance of affixes, analyzes the deficiency of the College English Syllabus (revision)and College English Intensive Reading (revision) Book I to Book 4 in dealing with the prefixes and suffixes in common use, and puts forward some advice and suggestions on how to make a creative use of the syllabus and textbooks.本文阐述了词缀的重要性 ,分析了《大学英语教学大纲》(修订本 )和《大学英语》精读 (修订本 ) 1 4册中对常用前缀、后缀的处理所存在的不足之处 ,提出了在教学中如何创造性地使用大纲、教材的意见和建议。
