1.Observing and Studying on the Pronunciation of Ruzi of Xing in the Pronunciation and Meaning for the Book of Songs;《毛诗音义》中“行”之“如字”音读考
2.An Analysis of Ruzi in the Sound and Meaning of Mencius《孟子音义》“如字”类目分析
3.The ruzi is such an important term that it used to be used frequently in ancient annotations.〕“如字”是古代注释中常用的一个重要术语。
2)The style is the man.字如其人
3)Turkic Runic characters突厥如尼文字

1.Query on the Theory that the Ancient Turkic Runic Characters Origin from Old Sogdian Alphabet;古代突厥如尼文字源自旧粟特文说质疑
2.$$Turkic$$Albania$Republic of Albania$$突厥语$$阿尔巴尼亚$阿尔巴尼亚共和国
3.The Old English runic alphabet.古英语如尼文字母表
4.New Translation and Comments on Turkic Xu stu nift of Manicheism摩尼教突厥语《忏悔词》新译和简释
5.The Guess of Original Turkic and Examples of the Character of Turkic Culture;原始突厥语的拟测与突厥语民族文化特征追寻例证
6.Sogdian Loanword in Diwanu LuBatit-Turk and Ogher Literature;《突厥语大词典》等文献中的粟特语借词
7.On the Wrong Quotation of Russian Word “Eastern Turkestan”;关于俄文“东突厥斯坦”一词引用的正误
8.A Study of the Literary Parts of “突厥语大词典”中的文学片段研究
9.Significance of Central Asia and Turk Ethnic Groups to Anthropology中亚、突厥族群对文化学研究的意义
10.The common Germanic runic alphabet.北欧古字母表通用的日耳曼语族如尼文字母表
11.The Turkic language subfamily, especially the eastern Turkic languages.突厥语突厥语亚语系,尤指东部的几种突厥语
12.The Finding and Interpretation of Ancient Turkic Epitaph:the 110 Anniversary of Thomas’ Interpretation of Ancient Turkic Scripts;古代突厥文碑铭的发现和解读——纪念汤木森解读古代突厥文一百一十年
13.FromOld Turkic qaghan.源自古突厥语qaghan。
14.Of or relating to Turkic or the peoples who speak Turkic.突厥语的;突厥族的属于或关于突厥语族或说突厥语的民族的
15.Cultural Significance of the Ancient Turkic People s "Large Army to Die,but Shameful to Sickness";释古代突厥人“重兵死,而耻病终”的文化意义
16.Analysis of the Create Female Life Myth in Turkic Language Race in Western Region of China;中国西部突厥语民族创世神话母题文化阐释
17.Note on the Turkic Terms Tηrikn and Tojn;突厥语词Tηrikn、Tojn的语义η及其文献学价值
18.The Research on the Noun Sites of 7-11 Century Turkic Literature7~11世纪突厥文献语言名词格位对比研究

The style is the man.字如其人
3)Turkic Runic characters突厥如尼文字
4)such as the Dictionary of Occupational Titles,如职业名称字典,
5)to know how to pronounce a name知道如何念名字
6)Their names are as follows .他们的名字如下。
