1.By modern design idea of humanism,the paper briefly analyses the big problem in corporation image design and propagandizing at present;and it puts forward allotrope theory as measure of solving the problem.从人本位的现代设计理念出发,简要地分析了目前企业形象设计和宣传中存在的突出问题,提出了标志的同位异变理论为解决问题之道;结合图形,并从宣传本体、信息受众、心理学和信息论4个方面详细阐述论证标志的同位异变的优势;并对标志同位异变理论的未来前景进行了客观的分析。
2.In Ancient Greece, the orientation of "individual-utility" was an invisible foreignization of humanism, while the orientation of "God-religious doctrines" was a visible one.古希腊历史"个人—功利"本位是对人本位观的隐性异化,欧洲中世纪的"神—教义"本位则是一种显性异化,如果说文艺复兴时期出现了某种复苏,近现代西方把"个体—功利"本位推向利己主义和金钱拜物教的极端,又出现了一次悲惨的异化。

1.On "Citizen-Centred Government"--A Realization between the Collectivism Stage and the Individualism Stage;略论“公民本位”——在“集体本位”向“个人本位”过渡阶段的实现
2.Searching for the "Third Way" between "Individual Based" and "Society Based";在“个人本位”与“社会本位”间探索“第三条道路”
3.Ethical Basis of Reproductive Health:Individual-Oriented or Society-Oriented;生育健康的伦理学基础:个人本位还是社会本位
4.Humanity flavors in the human-oriented decorative arts design;环境艺术设计“人本位”的人文意趣
5.On Legal Responsibilities of Company Promoters:Transformation from Individual Standard to Social Standard;我国公司发起人法律责任研究——从个人本位到社会本位的转换
6.The basic intension of Zhou Zuo-ren' s humanistic thought was before and after" the May4 th Movement": Humanitarianism of personal standard.“五四”前后周作人人道主义思想的基本内涵为:个人本位的人道主义。
7.Originally the old man lived in Shandong Province.这位老人原本住在山东。
8.Discussions on the Accounting Firm Human Capital Standard对会计师事务所人力资本本位的探讨
9.Human-Based Management:Essential Locating of Teachers Management in Universities人本管理:高校教师管理的本质定位
10."Every man to his post! And remember, Man-li, no favouritism!“各人守好了本人的岗位!曼丽,不许作弊!
11.There are ten guests, not counting members of the family.一共有10位客人,还不算本家的人。
12.With Human as the Core,with Personality as the Standard--Orientation for ideological and political education in universities;以人为本 人格本位——高校思想政治教育的向度
13.From Ethic-centered to Human-oriented: the Understanding of Ethics in Educating Students;从伦理本位到以人为本:对育人过程中“德”的把握
14.On the Real Standard and Should Standard of Our Country's Tax Law--from State Standard to Humanism我国税法本位的实然与应然——从国家本位到人本主义
15.Rank and status are important to the Japanese.职位和地位对日本经理人来说是很重要的。
16.The joint venture shall use Renminbi as the basic accounting unit.本合资企业使用人民币作为基本记帐单位。
17.Establish a System of School-Centred Courses in Development of University Instructors’Personality高校辅导员人格本位校本课程体系构建
18.One of the locals show me the way to the post office一位本地人给我指点去邮局的路

Personality standard人格本位
1.Giving these two major predicaments, university s moral education should establish the idea of "personality standard ".文章通过对这两大困境的归因性思考 ,提出高校德育树立“人格本位”的教育观念。
2.Frome the point of historical development,We have analysed four kinds of ideas of high vocational education,that are intellectual standard,capable standard,personality standard and quality standard .从历史发展的角度出发,对知识本位、能力本位、人格本位和素质本位四种职业教育理念进行分析,探讨和思考未来高等职业教育人才培养目标及其发展趋势。
3)individual standard个人本位
1."Self-favoritism" and "cherishing oneself" in the system of Yangzhu s thought contains the extremely precious individual standard and right consciousness.杨朱思想体系中所阐发的"为我""贵己"等思想蕴含着极为宝贵的个人本位和权利意识,它在当时是对人与人之间的关系重新诠释。
2.The traditional family ethical spirit of China is of family standard, and that of western nations is of individual standard.中国传统的家庭伦理精神是家庭本位,西方传统的家庭伦理精神是个人本位,它们各有自己产生的背景。
3.The civil law standard in modern times and contemporary age has no big change and sanely is the right standard and individual standard.近、现代民法本位未变 ,即都是权利本位、个人本位
1.The combination of respect for individual values and criticism of individualism,to achieve the integration of individual-based and social values orientation,is the basic idea to construct.既尊重个人价值又批判极端个人主义,实现个人本位与社会价值取向的视域整合,是建构当代社会主导价值观的基本理路。
2.The main value tendency of vocational education in China are society-based and individual-based,which embody caring for "social status" and "personality status",and "Country-based" is only a special mode of "society-based".我国职业教育的主要价值取向是“社会本位”和“个人本位”,分别体现了对“社会状态”与“人格状态”的关怀“,国家本位”只是“社会本位”的一种特殊形式。
3.Jiang Menglin\'s ideas of higher education values are individual-based,quality-centred,culture-centred,and economy-centred,which criticize strongly society-based,politics-based and knowledge-based traditional education,and are now of some theoretical significance in the construction of China,s new ideas of educational value.蒋梦麟坚持个人本位、素质中心、文化中心以及经济中心的高等教育价值取向,有力地批判了传统教育的社会本位、政治中心和知识中心的价值取向,对于当前我国新教育价值观的构建也有一定的理论意义。
5)human rights-based人权本位
6)individual oriented个人本位
1.The modern western criminal reconciliation system regards the criminality as violation of individual rights and interests,takes individual oriented as the starting point and manifests humanities concern to the victim,the criminal and the social benefits.西方现代刑事和解制度将犯罪行为看作是对个人权益的侵害,以个人本位为出发点,体现对被害人、犯罪人和社会利益的人文关照。
