1.A Close look at "Face Project": On Conceptual Metaphor and Metonymy of "face" in Chinese;议汉语中有关“”的比喻用法
2.The Other s face is the approach to understanding the primary of ethics.而理解伦理学的首要性要从他人之入手。

1.Face, face, touch your face.,摸摸你的
2.I usually wash my face in basin.我通常在盆里洗
3.She turn away to hide her blush.她扭过,怕人见她红。
4.His face was the face of the dying.他的是垂死者的
5.He has a long equine face.他的像马那么长.
6.mop and mow扮鬼,愁眉苦作怪相
7.the face, using a razor剃(须,发),刮
8.To become red in the face, especially from modesty, embarrassment, or shame;flush.红困(因)害羞、激动、窘困等红;
9.The face or facial features.,面孔,五官部特征
10.I finished shaving and put my face down into the bowl and washed it with cold water.我刮好,把浸到盆里,用凉水洗一洗。
11.To make exaggerated facial expressions, especially for humorous effect.做鬼部夸张的表情,尤指逗乐时做鬼
12.What's the matter with you? You've got a face like a fiddle.你板着,怎么啦?
13.Susan, you look pale.苏珊,你色苍白。
14.a good, dark, fair, sallow, etc complexion色好、 黑、 白、 黄等.
15.10. Shaves some weekends.10.有时周末刮
16.10. Shaves most weekend.10.通常周未刮
17.Pale grew thy cheek and cold,你的冰凉,发白,
18.Stand up straighter,立正。看着我的

face rubbing against face脸贴脸
3)face contour脸形
1.In order to design the biological protective mask fitting the face contour of Chinese, representative group of people was selected for measuring precisely the parameters such as the breadth and length of human face, the distance between 2 jugal points, the nose middle breadth and nose middle height.为设计出适用于我国人形的生物防护口罩 ,选择有代表性人群 ,对人的面宽、面长、颧点距、鼻中宽和鼻中高等参数进行了精确测量。
4)square face方脸
1.Objective To investigate the treatment of square face with compositive methods.目的 探讨方综合改形的方法。
1.A face detection method based on skin information and improved LBP一种基于肤色与改进的LBP的人检测方法
2.Color-based method for face detection and location一种基于肤色的人检测与定位方法
1.Descriptions of females head and face decoration can be found nearly everywhere in the poems of Tang.对女性头部及部装饰的描写,散在唐诗的角角落落。

【仙吕】醉中天 佳人脸上黑痣【诗文】:疑是杨妃在,怎脱马嵬灾?曾与明皇捧砚来,美脸风流杀。叵奈挥毫李白,觑着娇态,洒松烟点破桃腮。【注释】:【注释】:此曲洋洋洒洒三十多字,有故事,有情节,有悬念,写来写去,咏的却是美人脸上一粒小小黑痣。古代的那些文人,你真是拿他没有办法啊!【出处】: