1.The Influence of "Gewuzhizhi"upon "Chengzhai Style";“格物致知”对“诚斋体”诗学品格的影响探析
2.The paper mainly includes three parts:Liqi theory, discussing the relation between Li and Qi, the relation between Dao and QI, the relation between heaven and being; XinXing theory, discussing the relation between Xin and Xing, the relation between Renxin and Daoxin, Gewuzhizhi; sharp criticism of Buddhist and Xin theory.本文主要从三个方面进行论述,包括:理气论,讨论理气关系、道器关系、天人关系;心性论,讨论心性关系、人心与道心的关系、格物致知的修养工夫;批佛以及批心学的思想。

1.Life Noumenon Nuture in Taigu School s Ge Wu Zhi Zhi;太谷学派格物致知说的生命本位特色
2.The Thought of Taigu School on Studying Phenomena to Acquire Knowledge;太谷学派的三教心法:“格物致知”释论
3.The essence of Zhu Xi s doctrine of "to investigate things is to attain knowledge"from the challenge of Zhang Yinlin;从张荫麟问题看朱熹的格物致知之旨
4.Reflections on the Teaching of Ancient Literature;格物致知 陶铸性情——古代文学教学断想
5.To Attain Knowledge by Investigating Things:Neo-Confucian Epistemology and Aesthetic Concepts of Literature and Art;格物致知:理学认识论与文艺审美观
6.Learning Through Inquiring into Everything--ZHU Xi s Daoxue Inherent Spirit of Nature Poems;格物致知 即物穷理——朱熹咏物诗的理学思想内蕴
7.The Influence of "Gewuzhizhi"upon "Chengzhai Style";“格物致知”对“诚斋体”诗学品格的影响探析
8.“From Object-observing to Knowledge”:An Perspective on the Tragedy of Cheng-Zhu s Neo-Confucian Philosophy;格物致知——程朱理学悲剧命运的个案透视
9.Wang Chuanshan’s Inheritance and Development to Zhuxi’s Theory in “The Extension of Knowledge Through the Investigation of Things”;王船山对朱子格物致知论的继承与发展
10.Differences of the Thoughts of Chu Hsi and Wang Yang-ming from Their Dispute on "the Extension of Knowledge"从“格物致知”的争辩看朱子、王阳明的思想差异
11.From "Extending Knowledge by Investigating Things" to "Taking Responsibility for Society":on Several Dimensions of Calligraphy Practice from Philosophy Perspective从“格物致知”到“达于天下”——从哲学层面论书法实践的几个维度
12.This thesis discusses the new idea of Taigu School on studying phenomena to acquire knowledge and their syncretism with Confucianism,Buddhism and Taoism.本文论述太谷学派以儒佛道三教合一的思想解释《大学》“格物致知”,提出了自己新的观念。
13.Knowledge and Purpose--The Study of ZhuXi and Zeng Guo-fan s Knowledge and Purpose;“格物”与“致知”——朱熹、曾国藩知行观比较研究
14.By subjects: philology, as in mathematics, Luo Wu Xue, Zhizhi school.所定课目有:语文学、象数学、格物学、致知学。
15."To understand him you'd need to be widely read and experienced, able to recognize the nature of things, grasp the Way and comprehend the Mystery.""若非多读书识事,加以致知格物之功,悟道参玄之力,不能知也."
16.Wang Yangming's Inducing by Conscience and Implementation of Ideal Personality王阳明“致良知”与理想人格的实现
17.Several chemicals are well known teratogens.有一些化合物已知是致畸物质。
18.a failing in the character of a tragic hero that leads to his downfall.悲剧中人物性格中导致悲剧的缺陷。

theory of Ge Wu Zhi Zhi格物致知说
3)the essence of Zhu Xi's doctrine of "to investigate things is to attain knowledge格物致知之旨
4)Zhi Zhi致知
1.On Yan Yuan s Ge Wu Zhi Zhi Thought;颜元的“格物致知”思想
6)knowledge of causing ruin致毁知识
1.This paper proposes the concept of “knowledge of causing ruin”, trying to prove that the increase in this sort of knowledge is irreversible, and that its increase and application are inevitable under the present scientific, economic and social concepts, mechanisms and systems.本文提出致毁知识这一概念并初步论证了致毁知识的增长是不可逆的 ,而且在科技、经济、社会的现行的观念、机制和制度下 ,致毁知识的增长和应用也是无法阻止的。
