1.Because the Chinese people worships the lands,cereals, and gold,being influenced by the sayings of the five elements and religion as well as paying great respects to King Huang and his descendants in the feudal times,consequently they regard "yellow" as the most noble color in China.在封建社会中 ,由于人们对土地、五谷、金等物质的崇拜 ,受阴阳五行说及宗教的影响 ,对帝及后代帝王的遵从 ,在中国大地上颜色成为一种极为尊贵的色彩 ,象征着权力、社稷、尊贵、吉祥 ,具有丰富的文化内涵。
2.The first chapter was the introduction; The second to sixth chapters were about the research of Black(黑)、White(白)、Red(红)、Yellow(黄)and Green(绿)in Chinese, in the light of historical and comparative theories and methodologies, and the early sound and etymon of these f.本课题利用语义场理论和历史比较语言学的理论,对斯瓦德什《百词表》中跟“颜色”有关的5个核心词(“黑Black 91位”、“白White 90位”、“红Red 87位”、“Yellow 89位”、“绿Green 88位”)进行了系统的研究。

1.Yellow, yellow. it's yellow.色,色,它是色的。
2.capucine orange金丝雀(嫩色)
3.gum dragon=gum tragacanth)耆胶, 耆树胶
4.fool's gold【矿】铁矿, 铜矿
5.pigment, chrome yellow and chrome-orange铬和铬橙(染料)
6.To make of or decorate with brass.用铜制或用铜装饰
7.Brown bread and butter.棕色面包和油。
8.Of a light olive brown or khaki color.浅褐色的或土褐色
9.absinthe yellow苦艾(暗绿光色)
10.The wood of the box plant.杨木杨树的木头
11.International Jute Organization国际麻组织(麻组织)
12.Conference on Jute and Jute Products麻和麻产品会议
13.Butter to butter is no relish.油加油,令人倒胃口。
14.hard yellowish wood of a yellow pine.色坚硬的松木料。
15.degree of xanthation酸酯化度,化度
16.And the yellow half-moon large and low;的半轮月又低又大;
17.A yellow star, a yellow star.色的星形,塞的星形。
18.Mr. Huang was old. People addressed him as" Respected Mr. Huang'.老老了,人称“老”。

1.Rhetorical Meaning of Character "Huang" and Their Generation颜色词“”修辞义及其生成
3)Huang Wei黄
1.Huang Wei’s Peng Xuan Lei Ji is the precious material,which studies the social vicissitudes in the south and north regions, Suzhou in particular, during the transitional period from the early to the middle stage of Ming Dynasty.明人的《蓬轩类纪》是研究由明前期向中期过渡阶段南北地区特别是苏州地方社会变迁的珍贵材料。
4)Coptidis Rhizoma-Phellodendri Cortex黄连-黄柏
5)Total flavonoids of astragalus黄芪黄酮
1.The yield of total flavonoids of astragalus and total saponins of astragalus were used as criteria of estimating the efficiency of three regulators,the results showed that the effects of regulators on total flavonoids of astragalus content was as:NAA >6-BA >2,4-D,and the effect of regulators o.以膜荚芪幼叶为外植体,运用正交设计研究2,4-D、6-BA和NAA等3种植物生长调节剂组合对愈伤组织生产酮和芪皂苷的影响。
1.Determination of daidzein, glycitein, and genistein in Xuezhikang Capsula;RP-HPLC法测定血脂康胶囊中大豆苷元、素和染料木素
2.Soybean samples of 53 cultivars derived from Beijing area were used to analyze the contents of three kinds of isoflavone,namely daidzein,genistein,and glycitein for a comparison.为比较北京地区生态条件下大豆品种间异酮含量的差异性,对53个品种种子中3种异酮(大豆苷元、染料木素和素)进行测定和分析。
