1.The Semantic Quantitativeness of bei and the Passive Construction in Chinese;“”字的语义数量特征和动句——汉语动句的认知语义基础研究
2.On the part of Speech of Bei in Passive Sentence;谈字句中“”的词性
3.A Review of the Studies on bei in Chinese Passive Construction现代汉语动句中“”字词性研究综述

1.be affected with…所苦,…所烦扰
2.the accuseed【律】告, 刑事
3.get the (big)bird(演员等)嘘,喝倒采; 奚落,嘲笑,碰钉子;解雇,免职,开除
4.Something cut short or docked."截短物,缩短物"
5.Liable to be accused or indicted.易指责的,易指控的
6.Wasted or squandered.浪费的,挥霍掉的
7.capable of being isolated or disjoined.可孤立的,可分开的。
8.freely permitted or invited.同意的或邀请的。
9.The state of being adapted.适应适应的状态
10.capable of being passed or negotiated.可能通过或协商的。
11.The state of being ionized.电离电离的状态
12.lighted by or as if by twilight.或者好像微光照亮。
13.The accused man was observed to enter the bank.看到进入银行。
14.The process of being accelerated.加速加速的过程
15.be paralysed with fear by...吓瘫了, ...所吓倒
16.The state of being crushed.压碎压碎的状态
17.laugh at a comedian, a joke喜剧演员、 笑话逗笑.
18.being divided or separated.分开的或隔离的。

quilt;comforter被子; 棉被
1.Study on Plants Growed Naturally in Slide Slope of Road in South of Anhui Province;安徽南部山区公路边坡生态自然恢复植分析
2.The Application of Hyperspectral Remote-Sense to Plant Fine-Classification;高光谱遥感在植精细分类中的应用
3.Discussion of research methods on relationship between climate change and plant.;气候变化和植关系研究方法探讨
1.Penetrating & coating of the size on polyester/cotton and pure cotton warps;涤棉与纯棉经纱上浆的浸透与
1.Comparison of measuring method of infiltration and covering of yarn sized solution;浆纱浆液渗透及覆测试方法的比较
2.The viscosity,adhesion,penetrating and covering effects as well as the completeness of the size film of the nanomodified size were tested.为了减少纯棉高细号纱上浆浆料中PVA的用量,在上浆浆液的常规配方中添加不同种类以及不同比例的无机纳米粒子,相应降低PVA的含量,制成纳米改性浆料;测试浆液的黏度、黏附性和浆纱的渗透、覆效果和浆膜完整率;通过Olmpus BX-51型高倍光学显微镜观察常规浆液和纳米浆液,分析无机纳米粒子对浆料改性的作用机制。

被【被】 (衣服)卧时覆身之物也,章服仪谓为被单。