1.It is a special way in Modern Chinese to use polymer to paraphrase.在现代汉语中运用聚合词构造同义句是特有的一种词汇变化的手段。
2.Mainly classified into 4 character words and super four character words, all polymers are made up with phememes similar in meaning in coordinate way.聚合词是现代汉语中的一种极为独特也极有价值的词汇现象 ,主要有四项式和超四项式两大类。
3.Based on the limited research of the predecessors the writer trys to do further inquiry into the concept,classification,and grammatical features of polymers,and trys to explore the law of internal morpheme\'s order from the tone.聚合词是现代汉语中一类比较特殊的词汇,它相当活跃却鲜为人所关注。
2)word clustering词条聚合
1.Feature extraction of text classification based on word clustering;文本分类中基于词条聚合的特征抽取
3)Word Cluster词聚合
1.Word Clustering Effect in Second Language Vocabulary Learning Software;二语词汇学习软件中的词聚合效应

1.Semantic Analysis of Different Shades of Meanings in English Synonymous Paradigm and Synonyms Teaching;英语同义词聚合的语义差别分析及其教学
2.College English Teaching Department, Hunan Institute of Science and Technology;词义聚合关系及通感现象对词汇习得的影响
3.Approaching the Standard of Synonym Formation in Erya(尔雅) From the Perspective of Polysemants;从多义词看《尔雅》的同义聚合标准
4.Lexical Fossilization in Foreign Language Produetion--Syntagmatic and Paradigmatic Errors;外语产出中的词汇僵化——组合与聚合关系错误
5.On Syntagmatic and Paradigmatic Relations and English Writing;论词的横组合关系和纵聚合关系与英语写作
6.According to the different polymerization of word meanings, words can be distinguished as synonyms and antonyms.根据词的意义聚合关系的不同,词有同义与反又之别。
7.Syntax Unbalance of Single-syllable Antonym Adjective: Multiple Parallelism on Combination By Kind;从单音反义形容词的句法失衡看聚合组合的多元对应
8.compound nouns,adjectives,etc复合名词、复合形容词.
9.To form(words)by combining words or words and word elements.用粘着法构词通过词或词和词素的组合来构(词)
10.Nouns join to form compounds.名词和名词结合构成复合词。
11.first stage polymerization初级聚合,前段聚合
12.polymerization autoclave聚合高压釜高压聚合釜
13.theory of convergence effect聚合效应说 聚合效应说
14.The word houseboat is a compound.单词houseboat是一个合成词。
15.compound active participial复合主动分词形容词
16.of or containing a mixture of Latin words and vernacular words jumbled together.本国词和拉丁词混合,包含本国词与拉丁词混合。
17.The Study of the Semantics Withdraw of the Compound Words from the Modern Chinese Corpus and the Interlanguage Corpus and Self-Organization Clustering Analysis;基于现代汉语和中介语语料的复合词语义提取和自组织聚类分析研究
18.with ns and vs forming ns与名词及动词结合构成名词

word clustering词条聚合
1.Feature extraction of text classification based on word clustering;文本分类中基于词条聚合的特征抽取
3)Word Cluster词聚合
1.Word Clustering Effect in Second Language Vocabulary Learning Software;二语词汇学习软件中的词聚合效应
4)terms aggregation词汇聚合
5)synonymous relations同义词聚合
1.In order to understand them accurately,synonymous relations are worth a problem of academic research.为了准确地掌握词义,同义词聚合就成为了一个值得研究的课题。
6)antonym polymerization反义词聚合

如此江山 泛曲阿后湖 曲阿词综曲阿词综中,【诗文】:依依杨柳,青丝缕、掩映绿波南浦。燕掠横斜,鳞游荡漾,恰是湔裙时序。清泠如许。恍镜影空磨,簟痕密聚。欲问伊人,且自溯洄前渚。并倚木阑无语。到来还、远树遥山,凝眸同睹。雁齿参差,*流逦迤,多少鸥群鸳侣。最饶闲趣。且酒斟绿蚁,玉杯时举。*乃一声,移入柳阴深处。西半夜惊罗一首,乃黄 词。 眼儿媚萧萧江上荻花秋一首,乃张孝祥词。堞恋花越女采莲秋水畔一首,乃欧阳修词。相见欢无言独上西楼一首,【注释】:【出处】: