1.This paper discusses the topicality of titles from five aspects: the referentiality and topicality of the titles; the formal markers of titles; the topicality degree of titles; the history of the titles; the preposing tendency of the title.篇名与自然语句的差别主要是由于篇名的性质引起的 ,本文从篇名的指称性与话题性、形式标记、强弱程度、篇名的历史和篇名的倾前性等方面论述了篇名的话题性
2.This thesis is the study of the merger and topicality of Mandarin Chinese topic and the topic construction as well as the collocation between homogenous and heterogeneous topics.本文将对汉语话题和话题结构的合并情况、话题性以及同类话题与异类话题之间的搭配情况进行研究。
3.On the other hand, due to the syntactic cost, the merger of Chinese topics in these positions renders a cline of topicality.另一方面,句法操作必须付出代价,话题在各个位置合并需要付出的句法代价不同,话题性程度也会随之发生变化。
2)Sexual issues性话题
1.Sexual issues discussed among college students;在校大学生的性话题状况调查

1.On Topic Change Signals of Speech in English Conversation;论英语会话中的言语性话题转换信号
2.'The Unity of Form and Content':An Modernity Issue“内容和形式的统一”:一个现代性话题
3.Modernity: An Intellectual Theme for Academic and Social Concerns(four);现代性:学术关怀与社会关怀的理性话题(四篇)
4.Changing the Topic of "Nature & Emotion" to "Emotion & Reason" or "Reason & Desire"--Thoughts on Dai Zhen's View on "Nature & Emotion" Ⅲ“性情”话题被转换为“情理”“理欲”话题——戴震关于性情问题的思考之三
5.The Male Tint of Words on Female Problems in Lun Yu;《论语》中女性问题的男性话语色彩
6.Jornadas de Conversacion sobre Afectividad y Sexualidad心智健康与性活动问题对话日(心智健康对话日)
7.Interpretation of Discourse Intertextuality in News Headlines:A CDA Perspective新闻标题的话语互文性解读——批评话语分析视角
8.Contrastive Focus and Contrastive Topic in Information Structure--With Comments on the Characteristics of Topical Focus信息结构中的对比焦点和对比话题——兼论话题焦点的性质
9.Use object names in property dialog title bars.在属性对话框的标题中使用对象名。
10.On the Crimination of the Criminal Case Committed by Xu Ting;一个话题的继续——再论许霆案的定性
11.The Modernity Problem in the Process of China Stage Play Development during the 20th Century;20世纪中国话剧发展中的现代性问题
12.Discussing the Question of Poem Ambiguousin Xie Zhen s Notes on Classical Poets and Poetry of Si Ming;浅论谢榛《四溟诗话》“诗的含糊性”问题
13.The Love Theme in Laurence s Novels and the Sun Myth;劳伦斯小说中的性爱主题与太阳神话
14.On the Entity of Topic Composition of the College-entrance Examination in Recent Years;对近几年高考话题作文的主体性审视
15.Impact of Topic Knowledge on Linear Development in Argumentative Writing;话题知识对于议论文线性发展的影响
16."Personal Pronoun+Terms of Address" as Topic Focus“人称代词+称谓”序列的话题焦点性质
17.Dialogue: A Means for Solving Gender Problems and for Gender Harmony;解决两性问题的途径——“对话”通达两性和谐
18.Comparison of the Woman s Poems in Mainland China and Taiwan;关于女性的话题——海峡两岸女性诗歌比较

Sexual issues性话题
1.Sexual issues discussed among college students;在校大学生的性话题状况调查
3)polar topic极性话题
4)covert topic structure隐性话题
5)topical morphemes话题性语素
6)topic continuity话题延续性

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-