1.,"semanticization" of such characters.音译字的字化即音译字从无意义的音节到有意义的字的演变过程。

1.digitizing table数字化图形输入板,数字化
2.Digital symbol Fetishism manifests itself in digital crime, digital virus, digital hacker, and digital indulgence, etc.数字化符号拜物教的表现形式主要有数字化犯罪、数字化病毒、数字化黑客、数字化沉溺等。
3.MIDI (musical instrument digital interface)乐器数字化接口,[港]乐器数字接口
4.Application of Digital Up-Converter in IF Digitalization数字上变频器在中频数字化中的应用
5.Study on the City Digitization Management Based on Digital Cities;基于数字城市的城市数字化管理研究
6.Design The Digital Instructional System of Shuowen Jiezi;数字化《说文解字》教学系统的设计
7.Semantisation of meaningless Chinese characters and the encoding mechanism of restrictive character combinations in Chinese;字化与汉语限定关系字组的编码机制
8.An Analysis Of The Form and Connotation Of The Chinese Character jia (家) And The Chinese " Home" Culture;古文字“家”字形、义及“家”字文化
9.the Scheme for Simplifying Chinese Characters汉语(字)简化方案
10.Chinese Ancient Character Culture from the Perspective of the Apperception of Chinese Character "糸";从“糸”字汇的类化看中国古代汉字文化
11.Comments on Chinese Character and the Chinese Character Explanation within the Chinese Culture Research;试论汉字学与汉字文化学框架内的汉字阐释
12.A Study on the Division of Meaning of Original Character of Yi Sheng Zi that Expresses the Meaning of Phonetic Sign;表达声符字本义的亦声字及声符字意义的分化
13.The Components of Chinese Character And Its Explanation In The Culturology of Chinese Character;汉字构形与汉字文化学框架内的汉字阐释
14.A Contrastive Analysis Between Xin-Radical Characters in Shuowenjiezi and Frequently-used Xin-Radical Characters《说文解字》“心”部字与常用简化汉字对应分析
15.Rounds a number to the specified number of decimals and returns the result as text with or without commas用定点小数格式将数字转化为字符串
16.The Agricultural Ideology Reflected upon Explanatory of Chinese Characters in Shuo Wen Jie Zi.;《说文解字》文字训释中的农业文化思想
17.The Research of the Teaching of Chinese Character to the International Students Who Have no Background of Chinese Character;非汉字文化圈留学生的汉字教学研究
18.The Cultural Connotations of Chinese Characters Should Be Discussed in Order to Improve the Teaching of Chinese Characters of Middle School;探讨汉字文化蕴涵 改进中学汉字教学

digitized fount数字化活字
3)digitized fount数字化铅字
1.The actrality and development of digital inverter resistance welder in domestic;我国数字化逆变式电阻焊机的现状和发展
2.Innovation of digital automatic dispensing technology;印染自动配料数字化技术的创新
1.Standardized management and implementation of digitalization input for Liaohe Oilfield past geologging data;辽河油田历年地质录井资料数字化录入的规范管理与实施
2.Application of 3S technology digitalization construction of oilfield;3S技术在数字化油田建设中的应用
3.Application of Multi-source Geo-science Information Digitalization in Gejin Tin Mine;地学多源信息数字化在个旧锡矿的应用
1.Application and analysis of CASS5.0 in digitizing mine’s maps;CASS5.0在矿图数字化中的应用及分析
2.The Digitizing Anatomy of Lumbar Plexus;腰丛神经的数字化解剖及其临床意义
3.A digitizing technology used for reforming an analog X-ray machine;对传统X线机的一种数字化改造技术

公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)axiomatical method  gongllbuafangfa公理化方法化和形式化。(axiomatieal method)见公理