1.A Global Perspective on the Purchase Motivations behind Counterfeited Specialty Goods全球视角下仿冒特色商品购买动机研究

1.Conclusion: We Can' t Copy the Famous Brand结论:我们不能仿冒名牌
2.This product has Been patented, and copying is not permitted.本产品已申请专利,仿冒必究。
3.He has a stall that sells designer ripoffs.他开了个铺子卖仿冒设计师品牌衣服。
4.Strategies on Counterfeiting Prevention in Supply Chain Management基于供应链管理的防“仿冒盗版”对策
5.The Effects of Consumer s Attitude Toward Piracy, Ethical Beliefs and Relationship Quality on Their Intention of Purchasing Counterfeits;消费者仿冒侵权态度、伦理信念及关系品质对仿冒品购买意向的影响
6.It is worthwhile to ponder the reasons to copy the famous brand.认真思考一下仿冒知名品牌的原因是有价值的。
7.Resembling a known kind or species but not truly such.仿冒品与知名品牌相象,但事实并非如此
8.The Effects of Consumers Attitude Toward Piracy,Ethical Beliefs and Relationship Quality on Their Intention of Purchasing Counterfeits;消费者与仿冒侵权产品关系的商业伦理分析
9.A Global Perspective on the Purchase Motivations behind Counterfeited Specialty Goods全球视角下仿冒特色商品购买动机研究
10.Research and Realization of Safe Protection Against Phony Attack under the Condition of IPv6IPv6环境下仿冒攻击的安全防范研究与实现
11.One might argue that S. D. ' s only way to secure tangible profits is to copy the famous brand.也可能这样说:它保证利润惟一的方法就是仿冒著名品牌。
12.Many new, copy cat laser jammers have raised their heads during the year.许多新的,仿冒的雷射防护罩已经慢慢的出现在市场上。
13.Designer dresses are knocked off by area merchants, and sold in the local night market.设计师所设计的衣服被当地的商人仿冒,并且被拿到夜市去卖。
14.And Mr Dubois said fines for sellers of fake goods were not high enough to be a deterrent.杜布瓦先生还表示,对仿冒品销售商的罚款不够高,不足以形成威慑。
15.Mandelson says more than half of all counterfeit goods seized at European ports last year originated in China.曼德尔森说,欧洲港口去年没收的仿冒产品有一半以上来自中国。
16.Member shall protect Encore's Brand image and report all information related to fake/ copy products.会员有责任维护安康国际的品牌声誉,协助反馈仿冒产品信息.
17.In this case, the pressure might be so great that this appears as the only way out of the problem.在这个案例中,由于存在很大的压力,仿冒名牌似乎成了惟一的出路。
18.I can't seem to shake off this cold.我这感冒仿佛老摆脱不掉。

1.Study on Phishing Attack Behaviours and Defence Model;仿冒(Phishing)危害愈演愈烈,本文针对其攻击行为进行了详细的分析与介绍,其中使用了建立攻击森林和对攻击进行分类等方法,进而建立了 Phishing 攻击模型。
1.The Determination of the counterfeitIn the market;如何认定市场假冒与仿冒行为
1.Preventing Phishing Attacks Using Trusted Computing Technology;使用可信计算技术防范网络仿冒攻击
1.A Brief Analysis of "Phishing " and Countermeasures;"网页仿冒"行为浅析及其对策建议
6)revers passing off反向仿冒
