1.Analysis on GuWen(古文)and GuShu(故书)Used by Zhengxuan(郑玄)in ZhouLiZhu(《周礼注》);试析郑玄《周礼注》中的“古文”与“故书”

1.Analysis on GuWen(古文)and GuShu(故书)Used by Zhengxuan(郑玄)in ZhouLiZhu(《周礼注》);试析郑玄《周礼注》中的“古文”与“故书”
2.Zheng Xuan s analogical extension and metaphorical device in Anthologies of the Zhou s Rituals;郑玄《周礼注》比、兴观念产生的根源
3.Analysis of the Terms Relating Characters in Annotation to the Corresponding Characters like DuRu(读如) used by ZhengXuan(郑玄 )in ZhouLiZhu(《周礼注》);郑玄《周礼注》“读如”类沟通字际关系术语分析
4.The Diachronic Interpretation of Verbal Relationships in Zheng xuan's(郑玄) Zhou Li Zhu(周礼注)郑玄《周礼注》从历时角度对字际关系的沟通
5.Role of the Zhouli Rites in Explanation of Spring and Autumn Annuls--After reading Liu Wenqi s Notes and Examples,ChunQiu Zuoshi Zhuan Jiuzhu Shuzheng;释《春秋》必以周礼明之——读刘文淇《春秋左氏传旧注疏证·注例》
6.Explortion on Applied Meaning of Substance orientated Classifiers in Zhouli(周礼) ──Involved Discussion on the Value of Annotation to Documentary Words in Shuowen Duanzhu(说文段注);《周礼》物量词使用义探析──兼论《说文段注》的文献词义训释价值
7.A View of the Property of the Inscriptions on the Bones and Tortoise Shells in Zhouyuan in Terms of the Differences Between the Qi Propriety, the Foreign Propriety and the Zhou Propriety;从齐礼、夷礼与周礼之别看周原甲骨属性
8.Rites of Zhou Dynasty:Influence on the Dress in Zhou D ynasty and Later Time;论《周礼》对周代及周后世服饰的影响
9.To Research Academic History of Chinese through Analysis of Traditional Explanatory Notes--Preface of A Research on Zhengxuan s Annotation to Disyllabic Words in Zhouli;训诂材料的分析与汉语学术史的研究——《<周礼>复音词郑玄注研究》序
10.Analysing Gift and Punishment from Legal System Culture in the Western Zhou Dynasty西周“礼”、“刑”法制文化辨析
11.Meal Having and Ritual──Some Notes on the Meal Having Factor in the Ritual System of Shang and Zhou;食与礼──浅谈商周礼制中心饮食因素
12.A Comparative Study of the Office holding System in the Spring and Autumn Period and That in the Zhou Li :Further Discussion of the Date of Compilation of the Zhou Li;春秋官制与《周礼》比较研究——《周礼》成书年代再探讨
13.salute with eyes [ rifle, the hand ]行注目[持枪, 举手]礼
14.She sets great store by external politeness.她很注重表面的虚礼。
15.Unduly sensitive to matters of propriety or decorum.过分注重优雅或礼仪的
16.He tends to be forgetful of his manners.他往往不注意礼节。
17.a wedding anniversary, dress, guest, invitation, present结婚周年纪念、 婚礼女用长服、 婚礼宾客、 婚礼请帖、 结婚礼品.
18.Zhong Zai in The Rites of the Zhou Dynasty and the Zai Officials Seen in the scripts of Bronze Utensils.;《周礼》“冢宰”与金文所见西周王家之宰

Zhou Li周礼
1.On the Thought of Natural Resource Management in Zhou Li;《周礼》自然资源管理思想浅论
2.On the Ecological and Environmental Protection Thought of Zhou Li;试论《周礼》的生态环保思想
3)the rites of the Zhou Dynasty周礼
1.This article reveals the objective existence of the rites of the Zhou Dynasty in the phenomenon of escaping of the nobles.在春秋贵族出奔这一事物中,周礼是客观存在的。
2.Three of them obviously differ from the rites of the Yin Dynasty, but they are identical with the rites of the Zhou Dynasty.《周礼》中庙享"前期十日……卜日"的仪制,与西周金文及《仪礼》等文献中的记载吻合,关于主持卜日的职官,则《大宰职》和《大宗伯职》二经所述重复龃龉。
1.Researches on the Set-up and Plan of the Markets in Zhouli;《周礼》中的市场设置及规划考证
2.Comparing State Building Thoughts in Guanzi and Zhouli;《管子》与《周礼》营国思想比较
1.On the Relationship between "Shangshu zhouguan" and "Zhouli"——And the Relationship between the official Education in Xizhou Dynasty and the Confucianism;《尚书·周官》与《周礼》关系考论——兼谈西周的公卿官学与孔子儒学
2.Zhou Dynasty s historiographers and Zhouli have a close relationship.周代史官与周礼之间有着密切的关系。
3.Because of departing from the explanation of ancient weapon made of bamboo in Zhouli and Shuowen, two famous books in ancient China .以往学者研究古殳,由于背离了《周礼》与《说文》释殳,于所据失察。
6)Zhou Rites周礼
1.The treaty of alliance system is a part of Zhou Rites.盟誓制度是周礼的一部分,周王室借助这种体制建立起与诸侯国间彼此的信任关系。

《周礼·匠人》为沟洫《周礼·匠人》为沟洫  zhouli iia《周礼·ng陀n WeigOUxU匠人》为沟恤《周礼·匠人》记载的古沟恤系统的设计和施工。《周礼》一书西汉时才流传,内容是后人整编的周代官制。《匠人》在该书最后一篇的《考工记》中。 古代相传的沟恤古代起土的耙(锹、铲)宽5寸,二招是一祸,同时下挖,开成宽1尺、深1尺的Nll(垅沟)。wll头横沟是遂,宽深各2尺。6尺是一步,一百方步是1亩,100亩是一个劳动力可耕的面积,叫一夫。九夫为一井(成曲形),两夫之间是遂。三百步是一里,一井等于1方里。井间有宽深各4尺的沟。方十里‘一百方里)叫一成,成间有宽深各8尺的恤。方百里(1万方里)叫一同,同间有宽深各16尺的桧,侩应有专名。由绘通川(河流)。这是NII、遂、沟、恤、桧五级渠道的水网。同书《遂人》所记没有“并”,而是“十夫有沟……千夫有侩……万夫有川”,是遂、沟、恤、侩、川五级系统。相应的道路是遂上有径、沟上有珍、恤上有涂、侩上有道、川上有路。同书《稻人》记水田中的水网工程有蓄水的赌,挡水的防,引水的沟,配水的遂,灌水的列,排水的侩。《尔雅·释水》另有一套名词,单独入海的大河叫读,从读分引入人工渠道,侩,由侩灌入沟,自沟排出的水入天然低地,谷,自谷入溪,自溪入川,由川再流入下一地区。《匠人》还记载,开沟筑堤要看地势、水势,好沟能冲刷淤塞,堤好能留淤固堤脚,施工先要做好样板段。 后人论沟恤后代长江两岸湖泊地区的塘浦、抒烷,珠江流域的基围等河网就相当于古代沟恤,明末清初人陆世仪(1611一1672)说太湖区水网,“万夫有Jll,三江也,川上之路则江岸也;千夫有桧,纵浦也,侩上之道则浦岸也;百夫有恤,横塘也,恤上之涂则塘岸也;十夫有沟,港汉也,沟上之珍则港岸也;夫间有遂,沟渠也,遂上之径则腾坪也,此即《遂人》之法也”。明代周用主张在黄河流域以沟恤治河(见中国古代水利理论及治方略)o清人沈梦兰著《五省沟恤图说》(1 799年),认为处处可以做沟恤,最急需的是冀、鲁、豫、晋、秦五省。他主张有河川处,看地形适宜,省工易做的,可以相距20里开一条侩通川,各级渠道照《匠人》所说,纵横开成,以后每年捞取恤侩淤泥,进行维修。他说,这有十五利、三便。总之,西北河流容易涨溢,多沙善淤,沟恤可容涨水,又便挑取泥沙使不致善淤善决。除沈氏外,还有不少人讨论这一问题,近代如李仪扯等也有论述。江南抒坑最常出现的问题是涝水排泄等。