1."The theoretical framework of autonomy-dependency analysis"holds that the production of utterance is geared by the intentional contents in the speaker s mind,which serves as the autonomy during the production and gives derivation to the dependency which is converted as the utterance.“自主—依存分析框架”认为,话语的生成首先来源于说话人头脑里想要表达的意向内容,在交际意向性的制约下,通过相邻/相似关系,并利用人们感知话语有通感、通知的心理特征,将意向内容推衍成为话语。
2.This thesis aims to explore the generation of netspeak by applying Xu Shenghuan\'s Autonomy-Dependency Analysis Framework and tries to provide a reasonable explanation for the generation of netspeak.本文采用徐盛桓教授的“自主-依存分析框架”对网络语言的生成问题进行解答,试图为网络语言的生成提出一个合理的解释。

1.The dependency service or group failed to start.依存服务或组无法启动。
2.Circular service dependency was specified.指定了循环服务依存
3.field dependence in vehicle accident交通事故的场依存
4.interdependence of the contradictories矛盾双方的相互依存
5.global interdependence全球性相互依存(关系)
6.principle of interdependence of components成分间相互依存原则
7.Comparable Analysis on the Trade Dependence Rate, Economy Interdependence Rate and Economy Opening Degree;外贸依存度、相互依存度、经济开放度的比较分析
8.On the Dependence Ratio of Trade -and On the New Formula of Dependence Ratio of Trade;论外贸依存度——兼论计算外贸依存度的新公式
9.The dependency service does not exist or has been marked for deletion.依存服务不存在,或已被标记为删除。
10.No. We'll just charge you for every day the bag is here.不会,只要依存放的天数依次付钱就是了。
11.This application has a dependency on a non-existent service. That dependency has been removed.此应用程序依赖于一个不存在的服务。此依存关系已被删除。
12.Dependencies are resources which must be brought online by the cluster service first. Specify the dependencies for this resource.依存是群集服务必须首先联机的资源。指定这个资源的依存
13.The cluster resource cannot be made dependent on the specified resource because it is already dependent.因为已经处于依存状态,此群集资源不能依存于指定的资源。
14.On the Degree of Dependence on China s Forign Trade--Under the Influence of Exchange Rate;中国外贸依存度分析——兼论汇率对外贸依存度的影响
15.An Improved Method on Measuring the Ratio of Dependence on Foreign Trade and Discussions on China s RDFT;外贸依存度测算方法的改进及对中国外贸依存度的重新估计
16.A Comparison and Study of the Trade Adhering Extent of the Six Central Provinces--An Analysis of the Trade Adhering Extent of Henan Province中部六省贸易依存度比较研究——河南贸易依存度现状分析
17.Mutual competition and mutual dependence relations coexisted among all the microbe populations.这些微生物之间存在着相互竞争、相互依存关系。
18.to live in an interdependent world with conflicts and overlapping interests生存在冲突和利益交叉,又是相互依存的世界里

1.Starting from the usage of end forms of Japanese sentences,this paper analyses unmarked indefinite informative sentences,wh ich indicate that the listener has the information and that the speaker depends on it under the premise of the communicative situation;but when the speaker does not depend on the information,a form expressing dependence must be given to the sent ence.本文从日语句末形式的用法出发,分析了无标识的不确 定信息句,在有交流环境的前提下,表示听话者保有该信息,而说话者依存于此;但说话者 不依存于此时,必须赋予句子一种表不依存的形式。
3)Metallogenetic Dependence矿化依存
1.Ethnic Contact and Interdependence;化解民族冲突的策略——民族接触与相互依存
2.Interdependence and Cooperation among States in the Asia Pacific;相互依存与亚太地区的国家间合作
3.Based on the increase model of Logistic, the authors have analysed the existence relations of the corporate groups in market, which include: the size increase of single corporate groups, relations of intercompetition, interdependence and predator-prey between the groups.基于生物种群的 Logistic增长模型,分析了市场中企业集团的生存关系,单企业集团的规模增长、多企业集团之间的相互竞争、相互依存和捕食 被捕食的关系,并对各种关系的平衡点及稳定性进行了探讨。
5)field dependence场依存性
1.The differences in the field dependence and the speed anticipation ability between accident and non-accident motor vehicle drivers are analyzed.分析了事故与无事故机动车驾驶员在场依存性和速度估计能力方面的差异。
2.The resuls are (1) students with field dependence are higher than those with field independence in three characters and in the total score of creativity.其结果为:(1)农村高中不同认知风格的学生在创造力的三个特性上的得分及总分上,场独立性学生高于场依存性学生,存在较明显的差异。
3.The result shows that the color judge in the level of inconsistent condition of the stroop task,field dependence has influence to stroop effect;It shows that job performance in field dependence have typical stroop effect,but job performance in field independence have no typical stroop effect;When stroop mission is consistent and irrelevant condition,field independence have the same res.结果表明:在颜色判断水平上Stroop任务不一致条件下,场依存性认知方式对Stroop效应有显著的影响,即场依存性被试存在典型的Stroop效应,而场独立性被试不存在典型的Stroop效应;在Stroop任务为一致条件和无关条件下,场独立性被试与场依存性被试的反应时和错误率基本相同,场独立性被试略占优势,但并不存在显著差异;在Stroop任务条件变为不一致条件下,判断水平为颜色判断时,场依存性者的反应时和错误率的上升显著高于场独立性者。
6)Field dependence场依存
1.The Investigation on the Correlation BETWEEN the Field Dependence/Independence Cognitive Style and Chinese Learners' Communicative Performance in English场依存/独立认知风格与中国学习者英语交流表现之间关系研究(英文)
2.While field dependence perceives situations as wholes, field dependence learners can be more efficient in a kind of natural learning.场独立、场依存是认知方式中的一种 ,场独立把整体分成部分来认识 ,场独立学习者具有很强的分析能力 ,这类学习者擅长于课堂中的第二外语学习。
3.So, readers with different Field Independence and Field Dependence(FI/FD)degree will construct their interpretations due to various acquisition and application of learning strategies in reading processes, which will consequently result in different reading comprehension abilities.所以,具有不同的场独立和场依存认知方式的学习者在阅读过程中会倾向采用不同的策略,从而产生不同的阅读效果。
