1.This paper deals with the source, classification and the application of the nominal logical subject of gerund.本文专门探讨动名词的名词性逻辑主语产生根源、各种类别及其使用场合。

1.A Research of the Nominal “N+V” Phrase’s Functions;名词性的“名词+动词”词组的功能考察
2.A word or group of words functioning as a noun.名词性的词其作用为名词的词或一组词
3.N-movement and NP-movement in Chinese Nominal Phrase;汉语名词性短语中的名词移位与名词短语移位
4.A Tentative Thesis on the Transformation of the Traits of Verb or Noun in Gerund;试论动、名词性特征在动名词中的转化
5.Analysis on Nominal Compound Words Containing Quantifier Morpheme;简析含有“量词语素”的名词性复合词
6.Of or relating to a noun or word group that functions as a noun.名词性的属于或关于名词或其作用是名词的词类的
7.A noun or substantive following and governed by a preposition.宾语在介词后或受制于介词的名词或名词性词组
8.(grammar) nominal phrase.(语法学)名词性短语。
9.A noun or substantive that receives or is affected by the action of a verb within a sentence.宾语一个句子中接受动词的动作或受之影响的名词或名词性词组
10.The Choice of Quantifiers Clump and Cluster over Nominal Structures;论量词“丛”和“簇”对名词性成分的选择
11.Selective Relationship between Quantifier Pile(Dui)and Nouns;试论量词“堆”对名词性成分的选择
12.Semantic Selection of NP to Dual Number Measure Words;论双数量词对名词性成分的语义选择
13.Disyllable and Subordinate Compound Words in Mencius;《孟子》名词性偏正式双音复合词研究
14.Asymmetry between Nominal Lexical Semantic Relation and Logical Relation;名词性词义关系和逻辑关系的不对称
15.Semantic Selection of Noun Phrase to Assemble Classifier "Zu" and "Tao";量词“组”和“套”对名词性成分的语义选择
16.This noun subscribes to the masculine gender.这个名词是阳性名词。
17.A verbal noun or adjective.动词性单词动词性名词或形容词
18.'Child' is (a noun) of common gender.‘Child’是通性 (名词) 。

verbal noun动词性名词
3)participial noun分词性名词
4)noun words名词性词汇
5)nature of nouns名词属性
1."Bei" here is treated as a functional category which possesses the P-feature and exists in the Chinese only.提出将"被"字分析成一个汉语言特有的、具有强名词性特征P-feature的功能语类。

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-