声符,phonetic sign
1)phonetic sign声符
1.There are five categories of relations between the meaning of pictophonetic character and that of phonetic sign.形声字与声符的意义关系大致有五种:第一种,形声字与声符在意义上完全重合;第二种,形声字表达了声符的引申义;第三种,是第二种情况中的声符被一个同音字所替换,从表面上看来,形声字与声符在意义上没有关系;第四种,形声字的意义里面蕴含着声符以其语音所表达的这个形声字的语源义,声符具有示源功能;第五种,形声字与声符在意义上没有关系。
2.The research on the function of the phonetic sign indicating the origin of the word is useful for us to research the words derived from the same roots, to compile the dictionaries, and to explain the meanings of the words.研究形声字声符示源功能具有多方面的价值。
3.Some pictophmetic characters s phonetic sign can indicate the origins of words.部分形声字声符具有揭示汉语语源的重要功能。

1.A Study on the Division of Meaning of Original Character of Yi Sheng Zi that Expresses the Meaning of Phonetic Sign;表达声符字本义的亦声字及声符字意义的分化
2.The Research on the Indidation Origins of "Shuowen-Shuibu" Pictophmetic Characters Phonetic Sign;《说文·水部》形声字声符示源研究
3.The variants of Chinese Characters Influence in Sound Symbols of Pictophonetic Characters;汉字形体变化影响形声字“声符”表意
4.On Appraising of Pictophonetic Characters and the Historical Changing of Their Phonetic Elements;论“谐声”的鉴别及声符的历史音变
5.The source-indicating function of the phonetic cimplements in determinative-phonetic characters and the significance for its research;形声字声符的示源功能及其研究意义
6.Initial Consonant Cluster:an explanation on Different Consonant of Phonogram Characters;复辅音声母:形声字与声符“异纽”现象的一种解释
7.About the Meaning Types of sound Symbols In the Sound recording Characters;声符所寓于被谐字中之意类管窥——声符表意功能初探
8.A New Textual Research on the Musical Symbol "Shang-Xia"(上下) in the Recitation and Singing of the Transformation Texts;变文讲唱音声符号“上下”含义新考
9.On the jumble "Generation Compositor" for meaning expression of isomorphic phonogram;同形声符表意“代次”混杂问题探讨
10.Explanation of the Character Yi(以);释“以”——兼说“似”字和甲骨文声符形化造字
11.A system of characters or symbols representing sounds or things.符号系统用以表示声音、事物的字符或符号系统
12.The Function And Limitation of the Note And the Ideogram Linking the Time When the Phonogram Came Into Being And the Approaches;从产生时间、途径看形声字音符、意符的作用
13.Comparative Research on Form Signs of Form-sound Compound Characters in Oracle-bone Writing and Determinatives in Hieroglyphic甲骨文形声字形符和圣书字定符的比较研究
14.Collection of declared namespaces and qualifier strings declared by this schema.所声明的命名空间和由此架构声明的限定符字符串的集合。
15.harmony in which each chord has four notes that create four melodic lines.每次和声有四个音符,每个音符产生一种旋律的和声。
16.illegal declarator: declaration may only appear in a service or a scope非法声明符: 声明只能出现在服务或作用域中
17.Type-declaration character does not match declared data type类型声明字符与声明的数据类型不一致
18.Syntax error, bad array declarator. To declare a managed array the rank specifier precedes the variable's identifier语法错误,错误的数组声明符。若要声明托管数组,秩说明符应位于变量标识符之前

phonetic complement声符
1.Significance for the research in source-indicating functions of phonetic complements in determinative-phonetic characters;形声字声符示源功能研究价值论略
2.There are some characters which made up with Jia(叚)as a phonetic complement.以“叚”作声符的字,历来学者多认为具“红”与“大”两义素?昂臁庇搿按蟆蓖猓皡?应还具有“病”、“好”、“夹”等义素。
3.In many pictophonetic characters, their phonetic complements can express meanings, and the philological field shares the same opinion on this.在相当一部分形声字中,其声符可以表意,对此,文字学界已达成共识,然而,声符如何表意,却未见有文章提及,我们通过对比考证,得出初步结论,其表意方式有三种,即声以表意,声以合意,声以别意。
3)phonetic element声符
1.The author of the thesis tries to make an overall statistical analysis of the pictophonetic element and the phonetic element of pictophonetic characters in The Outline, to summarize the characteristcs of the pictophonetic characters and to expolre a scientific and effective method of Chinese-character teaching to oversea students.本文以《高等学校外国留学生汉语教学大纲(长期进修)》为依据,对《大纲》汉字表收录的形声字形符和声符进行了一个全面的统计和分析,并在此基础上得出《大纲》汉字表的形声字特点,探索对外汉字教学的科学、有效的方法。
2.The interchange of phonetic element(声符互换)means different phonetic element of phonogram which recordssame word can interchange.声符互换指记录同一个词的两个形声字的声符可以互相替换。
4)phonetic signs声符
1.Wangli One of them is abort the ability of the phonetic signs of pictophonetic characters , the other is about whether the two characters that made up of the continuous words can have their own origins.王力克先生主编的《古代汉语》教材中存在两个理论失误,一是关于形声符作用的论述,二是关于记录连绵词的两个字是否可以分别推源的论述。
2.The source-indicating founction of the phonetic signs is not only the important content in the field of research of Chinese characters,but also the principal clue of contacting the same source.形声字声符的示源功能是汉字研究的重要内容,也是系联同源关系的主要线索。
3.The phonetic signs in the pictophonetic characters arm with the phonetic-indicating function .形声字声符具有示音的功能 ,但这种功能并非一成不变。
1.On Complexity of What" phoneme" conveys in Pictophonetic Characters;论形声字“声符”表意的复杂性
6)sound symbol声音符号
