1.The beauty of the knots has been referred in all realms of life,influencing the modern visual symbol design.结绳记事是最为原始、古老的记事方式之一,结绳记事的形式经过人们世世代代的流传演变,已远远地超出了记事、捆绑、扎系的功能,而赋予了这种形式以新的内涵和意义。
2.From a new theoretical point of view, the origin of counting is from the saying that Old Chinese tied knots for counting and successors Used cutting.以新的理论目光审视,中国古代所谓“上古结绳而治,后世圣人易之以书契”及其相关论述是人类文字起源的“记数说”,因为结绳、爻画与书契分别代表人类不同历史时代的记数方式,而且,正是在书契符号记数发展的过程中,人类第一批文字才得以诞生。

1.To make a noose of or in.打活结给…安上活结绳圈或使…在绳圈之中
2.] carrick-bend n.接两根绳子的一种绳结
3.a loop formed in a cord or rope by means of a slipknot; it binds tighter as the cord or rope is pulled.绳子或绳索上用打活结的方法打的结;当拉绳子或绳索时结会变紧。
4.To cohere with or as if with a bond.连结用绳子或象用绳子一样连结起来
5.knotted sheepshank牢固缩绳结(缩绳不吃力时
6.A knot that joins a rope to a rope or another object.索结连结两条绳子或一条绳与另一物体的结
7.There are some knots in the rope.这条绳子上有几个结。
8.How strong must the string be?绳子应该有多结实呢?
9.German eye splice顺绳索扭劲的眼环结
10.He makes a knot in the end of the string.他在绳子末端打了个结。
11.Tie the two pieces of string together.把两根线绳结在一起。
12.Where the knot is loose the string slips结子一松掉,绳子就滑脱
13.a square knot used in a reef line.在收帆绳索上用的平结。
14.to join the ends of a rope把绳子的两头结起来
15.cordage of textile fibres, plaited or twisted纺织纤维绳, 编结或加捻
16.a knot for shortening a line.用来使绳子缩短的结。
17.Don't cut the string, untie the knots.别剪断绳子, 把结解开.
18.French whipping绳端)反手结编扎法

1.Chinese knot originated in early ancient,and it became popular in the Tang and the Songperiod, prosperous in the Ming and the Qing period.绳结在中国古代生活中的应用相当广泛。
3)shroud knot结绳结
5)wall knot绳端结绳头结
6)strand structure绳股结构
