1.Strangeness,strength,disorder,gods and spirits: discussion on the influence of Shui Hu Zhuan to the creation of The Romance of Sealing the Supernaturals;、力、乱、神:论《水浒传》对《封神演义》创作的影响
2.They did not know that the strangeness was following the time trend and close to the pulse of the times,so it has important practical meanings to discuss his "strangeness".郑板桥主张"笔墨当随时代""怒不同人",正因为此而被当时社会的主流视之为不守墨矩,离经叛道,被冠以""名。

1.Something curious or odd.事奇诞的事物
2.If one remains calm upon seeing strange things, the strangeness will do no harm见,其自败
3.There's something fishy about my neighbor.我的邻居有点的。
4.She looked at him very oddly.她样地看着他.
5.This thicket was a singular-an exceedingly singular one.这片林子很——得出奇。
6."That's some queer scent you've got on, Pei-yao!“佩瑶,你这香水
7.eccentric thing,quality,habit, etc异的事物、性质、癖等
8.A person regarded as being very strange or eccentric.人被人为非常奇或古的人
9.Odd or unconventional, as in behavior;eccentric.行为古的奇的或不合传统的,如行为;古
10.Characteristic of a kook;strange or crazy.僻的,疯狂的有人特点的;奇的或疯狂的
11.An eccentric person, especially one with bizarre ideas.人行为古的人,尤指具有古想法的人
12.Dr Jekyll and Mr.Hyde化身博士;双面人;杰变错身;变身
13.A person regarded as strange, eccentric, or crazy.人;狂人被认为是奇的、异的或疯狂的人
14.Outlandish or bizarre, as in character or appearance.奇的,诞的奇形状的,如性格或外貌
15.a cranky person, idea古的人、 念头.
16."Eh? I've never heard of such a thing!"“哎,哎!真是奇
17.C opens the door, sees a, speaking in a scolding toneC开门, 见a,嗔
18.Strange to say, he won!说来奇, 他赢了!

overriding the evils with evils以怪治怪
3)A hobgoblin;a bogey.鬼怪;妖怪
4)A strange person, event, or thing.怪人,怪事,怪物
5)vicious circle怪圈
1.The traditional development strategy has become increasingly weak,and human development has come across a vicious circle.传统发展战略凸显危机,人类发展陷入一个圈,学术界从不同视角进行反思。
2.The vicious circle of “Huang Zongxi Law" has been a difficult problem in history.“黄宗羲定律”圈是一道历史难题,我国政府机构改革也面临这一道难题。
6)odd flavor怪味
1.Odd flavor seasoning is an important factor which affects the quality of the odd flavor dish.味调味汁是影响川菜味菜品的重要因素。

麤怪1.亦作"麁怪"。 2.粗糙怪异。