太平经,Tai Ping Jing
1)Tai Ping Jing太平经
1.On "Harmony-the Beautiful" Thought of Tai Ping Jing;论太平经的“和谐—美”思想
2.Study on the Degree Adverbs in Tai Ping Jing;《太平经》程度副词研究
3.“The extent of the way of being a good king” in Tai Ping Jing is obviously consistent with the thought on “the way to be a good king” of Dong Zhong-shu.董仲舒的“天人感应”理论是形成两汉道教神学理论的一个重要的理论来源;《太平经》为帝王而设的“法度”与董仲舒的“王道”思想也有明显的一致性;原始道经的产生与董仲舒的灾异说也有着非常密切的关系。

1.Comparative Research on Judge Sentences of <Taipingjing> and Buddhish Sutra in East Han Dynasty;《太平经》与东汉佛经判断句比较研究
2.A Research into the Compound Words of Taipingjing and the Great Chinese Dictionary;《太平经》複音词研究与《汉语大词典》
3.South Pacific Bureau for Economic Cooperation南太平洋经济合作局(南太经合局)
4.Already the sun had slipped beyond the horizon.太阳已经落下了地平线。
5.The sun had cleared the horizon.太阳已经升出了地平线。
6.Pacific Economic Cooperation Council太平洋经济合作理事会
7.PBEC (Pacific Basin Economic Council)太平洋地区经济委员会
8.Pacific Basin Economic Council [PBEC]太平洋地区经济议会
9.Pacific Economic Cooperation Conference太平洋经济合作会议
10.His explanation soothed the old woman's anger.经他一解释,老太太的气也就平了。
11.APEC leaders to boost Pacific Rim group亚太经合会领袖加强太平洋区域联盟
12.APEC leaders to boost Pacific Rim group.亚太经合会领袖加强太平洋区域联盟。
13.The Bible in China: The Interpretation of Bibilical Texts by Taiping Heavenly Kingdom《圣经》在中国——太平天国对经文的诠释
14.Constructing Taiyuan science innovation stage to promote comprehensive development of Taiyuan economy;构筑太原科技创新平台 促进太原经济全面发展
15.It's almost sunset, but it's still so hot.太阳已经平西了, 还这么热。
16.Director of the South Pacific Bureau for Economic Cooperation南太平洋经济合作局局长
17.Hong Kong Committee of the Pacific Basin Economic Council太平洋地区经济理事会香港委员会
18.ESCAP (Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific)亚洲及太平洋地区经济与社会委员会

1.The Influence of Taipingjing and Zhengao on Lihe and Li shangyin s Love Poem Language;李贺、李商隐爱情诗对《太平经》、《真诰》道经语言的接受
2.The Emendations about Proofreading of Taipingjing colleced and prooofed(太平经合校);《太平经合校》校对补说
3)Taiping Jing太平经
1.On the Ground of Doctrine of Human Nature in the Educational Thought of Taiping Jing试论《太平经》教育思想的人性论依据
2.Taiping Jing is key materials for the study of the political thought and historical value of the Daoism in early period.《太平经》是研究早期道教政治思想及其历史价值的重要史料。
4)Scripture of the Great Peace《太平经》
1.Expounding Aesthetic Thoughts in Scripture of the Great Peace;《太平经》美学思想发微
2.In the field of religion,there are many relative exposition of environmental protection in the religious dogmas and religious beliefs,such as the vague consciousness of environmental protection in Bible,anthropomorphic ideology of environmental protection in the Scripture of the Great Peace.古人对于环保问题十分重视,这在宗教方面表现为,宗教教义及宗教思想中有不少相关的论述:《圣经》中有着朦胧的环境保护意识;道教经典《太平经》中有具有拟人化特征的环保思想;佛教对于人与自然的关系也具有一定深度的认识。
5)Taiping Jing《太平经》
1.Rhyme and Life——The Musicotherapy of The Taiping Jing;韵律与生命——《太平经》中的音乐治疗观念
2.The Concept of "Magical Doctors and Almighty Medicine"in Taiping Jing;《太平经》中的“天医神药”观念
3.Influence of "Taiping Jing" on Mohism;论墨家思想对《太平经》的影响
6)Tai ping jing《太平经》
1.Development and Differentiation of Early Taoist Aesthetic Thought ——A Comparison of Aesthetic Thought in Tai Ping Jing and Bao Pu Zi;早期道教美学思想的发展与分化——《太平经》与《抱朴子》美学思想比较

太平洋地区标准会议标准(见太平洋地区标准会议)太平洋地区标准会议标准(见太平洋地区标准会议)standards of PASC: see Pacific Area Standards Congress; PASC Ta iPingyang Diqu Bioozhun Hu呼ib沁幻Zhun太平洋地区标准会议标准(s切md田心sofR巧C)见太平洋地区标准会议。