1.Elementary discussion on dialectical unity of people s activity and passivity;人的能动性与受动性的辩证统一初探
2.The activity and passivity are one of the basic laws of editorial activities.与其他实践活动一样 ,编辑活动也受到客观规律的制约 ,编辑活动作为有规律可循的文化活动 ,能动性与受动性相统一是编辑活动的基本规律之一。

1.People is the dialectical unity body of activity and passivity, activity contains passivity, passivity contains activity.人是能动性与受动性的辩证统一体:能动性之中有受动性,受动性之中有能动性。
2.Elementary discussion on dialectical unity of people s activity and passivity;人的能动性与受动性的辩证统一初探
3.The Initiative Nature and Passive Nature: the Embodiment of the Freedom Essence of the Aesthetic Education;主动性与受动性:美育自由本质的表现
4.The Religious Continuity From the Perspective of Passivity of the Practice试从实践的受动性谈宗教的延续性
5.They are not scientific magnify the activity and negate passivity, or magnify passivity and negate activity.任何夸大人的能动性而否定人的受动性,或者夸大人的受动性而否定人的能动性都是不科学的。
6.Subjectivity in Objectivity--On Translator s Subjectivity;受动中的能动——谈译者翻译主体能动性
7.sexual feelings, activity, desire性吸引的感受、 性活动、 性欲
8.On the Passivity and Motivation of "zai (在) + NV +xia (下)" Structure;“在NV下”式的受动特性与成立动因
9.Passive & Active: the Social Factor of Morality;受动与主动:道德情感的社会性发生
10.Transverse non-linear forced vibration of axially moving viscoelastic beam轴向运动黏弹性梁横向非线性受迫振动
11.Coupled Forced Response of Nonlinear Axially Moving Viscoelastic Beam轴向运动黏弹性梁平面耦合非线性受迫振动
12.They remain localized and the animal is unharmed.它们保持局限性,动物不受伤害。
13.Gross flow instabilities are damped and remain small.总体流动的不稳定性受到阻抑并且很
14.The Passivity and Pragmatic Tendency of "’jingguo/jing +VP";“经过/经+VP”结构的受动特性和语用势能
15.Free Vibration of Compressed Plate on Two Parameter Elastic Foundation;双参数弹性地基上受压板的自由振动
16.Beam-Excited Nonlinear Vibration Response of Stay Cables受梁端激励斜拉索的非线性振动响应
17.A noun or substantive that receives or is affected by the action of a verb within a sentence.宾语一个句子中接受动词的动作或受之影响的名词或名词性词组
18.I can't stand Martin;he's always on the make.我无法忍受马丁;他总是动手动脚,寻求性的冒险。

1.The person s practice activity is not only related to activity,but also related to the suffering.人的实践活动是能动性与受动性的统一。
2.Marx s version of "suffering" contains at least three meanings,1.“受动性”是马克思早期人学思想中的一个重要概念。
3.Taking western modern philosophy and aesthetic history as the background,the dissertation analyses the meaning of aesthetic freedom in four aspects as followings: the relation between aesthetic and suffering,the relation between aesthetic and reason, and the relation between aesthetic and form.本文以西方近现代哲学美学的发展线索为背景,分别从审美与受动性、审美与理性以及审美与形式等三个方面详细论述了审美自由的感性学内涵。
1.Translation,regardless of fiction or non-fiction,is a process of seeking balance between sub- jeotivity and objectivity.实际上,翻译,无论是小说还是非小说,总是在主动性和受动性之间不停地寻找平衡点,主动性是翻译的精华所在,是译者主体性的体现。
4)Exercise tolerance运动耐受性
5)audience subject initiative受众能动性
6)measurement of motor sensibility运动感受性测定

家族性阵发性运动诱发性舞蹈手足徐动症家族性阵发性运动诱发性舞蹈手足徐动症  亦称“周期性肌张力不全”。系阵发性肌张力不全性舞蹈手足徐动症的一种类型。可为散发,或显性遗传。儿童期起病,青春期加频。临床特点是由主动运动而诱发肌张力不全、舞蹈手足徐动、强直。每日可出现数次,无意识障碍,脑电图正常。用小剂量抗癫痫药有较好效果;也有的用左旋多巴有效。