疏漏,careless omission
1)careless omission疏漏
1.The Catalogue Summary of Imperial Collection of Four has its important value for reference,but there is careless omission.《四库全书总目提要》有着极其重要的参考价值,但它有时也会有疏漏,如《蒙求》作者李瀚本是唐代人,而该书时而说是“唐李瀚”,时而又说是“晋李瀚”,前后不一,莫衷一是。
2.Compared with the traditional norms of the civil law this new creditors right guarantee system has many innovations as well as careless omissions.这种新的债权保障制度与传统民法上的代位权制度相比有不少创新 ,同时还存在着一些疏漏

1.repair an error, omission, etc修正错误、 弥补疏漏
2.rectify an error, omission, etc修订错处、 疏漏处等
3.breach of a (legal) duty.一种(法定的)职责的疏漏
4.This, perhaps, is not merely negligence.这恐怕不会是一时的疏漏吧。
5.I would (or should ) like to call your attention to an oversight.我想(或)请你注意一下一个疏漏之处。
6.I have found quite a number of omissions.我发现相当多的疏漏之处。
7.The proofreader did his best not to let any mistakes get by.校对员尽力不让任何错误疏漏
8.The plan was drawn up in haste, so there are bound to be oversights and omissions.计划匆促拟成, 难免有疏漏之处。
9.a glaring abuse, error, injustice,omission明显的滥用、 错误、 不公、 疏漏.
10.The reverse thinking is the sign of looking into the dean decision-making oversight.逆向思维是窥视院长决策疏漏的标志;
11.On legislative defaults of illegal storage explosive materials and its improvement;非法储存爆炸物罪的规范疏漏与完善
12.Oversights in Chinese Dictionary--Take Yinqie as Example;《汉语大词典》疏漏举例——音切篇
13.Some Careless Errors and Omissions in Introduction to Administration Published by Beijing University Press;北大版《行政管理学概论》中的几处疏漏
14.God's mill grinds slow but sure.“天网恢恢,疏而不漏。”
15.Hell's vengeance is slow but sure.(谚语)天网恢恢,疏而不漏。
16.Mill of god grinds slowly but sure .天网恢恢,疏而不漏。
17.Heaven's vengeance is slow but sure."1. 天网恢恢,疏而不漏。 "
18.Mills of God grind slowly But sure天网恢恢,疏而不漏

1.There still exist some oversights in the entries and the examples of the Great Chinese Dictionary though referring to many notes in the past in compiling.《汉语大词典》在编纂过程中广泛吸收了历代笔记中的材料,但是由于种种原因,在义项的设立和例证的收录方面存在一些疏漏
1.A lot of errors are found in Han Ye Da Ci Dian through a comparison of the great dictionary and over 5000 bisyllables in Zheng Xuan s annotations of ancient books.通过郑玄笺注中的5000多个双音词语与《汉语大词典》的相应词条的逐一对照,发现《汉语大词典》存在着不少疏漏
4)Aspects subject fo missing疏漏问题
5)dewatering funnel疏干漏斗
6)careless omission in editing manuscripts编辑疏漏

疏漏1.亦作"踈漏"。亦作"?漏"。 2.粗略错漏;疏忽缺失。 3.轻率﹐不谨严。 4.破漏﹐破敝。 5.泄露;走漏。 6.引申为脱逃。