1.Structuring of an Ideal Dynasty: Monarch Ideology in Baihutongyi;理想王朝的构拟——《白虎通义》的“帝王”思想
2.BaiHuTongYi is the charter document of a profound influence in Chinese ancient, which works out by BaiHu Hall Meeting in emperor Zhang period of Han Dynasty, it is also to study that the ancient times of our country in political, historical, the etiquette system, science, faith as well as social psychology valuable information.《白虎通义》是东汉章帝时经白虎观会议制订的中国古代一部影响深远的宪章性文献,也是研究我国古代政治、历史、礼制、学术、信仰以及社会心理等方面的宝贵资料。

1.Structuring of an Ideal Dynasty: Monarch Ideology in Baihutongyi;理想王朝的构拟——《白虎通义》的“帝王”思想
2.Confucianism during Han Dynasty and Its Historical Destiny as Seen from Ban Gu s Baihutong;从《白虎通义》看汉代儒学及其历史命运
3.Value and Shortcomings on Searching for Its Meaning through the Pronunciation of a Word-《Bai Hu Tong Yi》;《白虎通义》声训对词语理据分析的类型与特征
4.A Review on the Studies of Baihu Tongyi in Chinese Mainland since 1949;五十年来中国大陆有关《白虎通义》的研究状况述评
5."Forum at White Tiger Temple" and Lectures on The Book of Songs--Comparative Studies about The Book of Songs in Ancient China and Korea;“白虎会议”与《诗经》讲义——中朝古代《诗经》研究之比较
6.Analysis on the Development Trend of Sutra in the Han Dynasty--the View from Contrasting Chun Qiu Fan Lu with Bai Hu Tong;汉代经学走向管窥——以《春秋繁露》与《白虎通》的对比分析为视角
8.Story has it that three days after the burial ceremony, "a white tiger was seen crouching over the tomb."Hence the name Hu'Qiu, hu being the Chinese word for tiger and qiu that for mound. After this, the hill was renamed Hu'Qiu'Shan.传说,葬后3日,有“白虎蹲其上,因号虎丘”,此山改称“虎丘山”;
9."That bitch is an evil spirit.Fooling with her will bring ruin on our house, " he had often warned his younger son.“那母狗是白虎星,惹上了她就得败家”,——老通宝时常这样警戒他的小儿子。
10.White Tiger Is Not the Totem of Huba--the Ancesters of the Tujia Nationality in the West of Hunan and Hubei;白虎不是鄂西、湘西土家先民——虎巴的图腾
11.Role of AQP in the Mechanism of Oxidative Cataract;水通道蛋白在氧化性白内障的表达变化及意义
12.Progression of the aquaporin-4 and its potential significance in forensic medicine;水通道蛋白-4研究进展及法医学意义
13.In Tujia white tiger culture, there exist objectively the dual characteristics of worshipping white tiger and driving white tiger.在土家族的白虎文化中,客观地存在着“敬白虎”与“赶白虎”的二元性特征。
14.exonerate by means of a perfunctory investigation or through biased presentation of data.通过马马虎虎的调查或通过不准确的数据显示就断定某人无罪。
15.Only on his wedding-night did Xiangzi finally catch on: Tigress wasn't pregnant after all.婚夕,祥子才明白:虎妞并没有怀了孕。
16.An albino tiger in the India's Delhi Zoo.印度德里动物园的一只白化病病虎。
17.The moat, Coal Hill, the white dagoba, the bridge, Tigress, her belly...御河,景山,白塔,大桥,虎妞,肚子……
18.Studies on the Extraction and Purification of Resveratrol from Polygonum Cuspidatum;虎杖中白藜芦醇提取、纯化技术研究

Baihu Tongyi《白虎通义》
1.Is Baihu Tongyi A Zhongju,an Explained Text Organized on Paragraghs and Sentences?;《白虎通义》是不是章句
2.Baihu Tongyi and Confucianism During Dong Han Period;《白虎通义》与东汉经学
1.Confucianism during Han Dynasty and Its Historical Destiny as Seen from Ban Gu s Baihutong;从《白虎通义》看汉代儒学及其历史命运
1.Baihutong and the Chinese Philosophical Heritage;《白虎通》与中国哲学传统
5)white tiger白虎
1."The White Tiger cul"——the Wizardry Symbolize of the Yi People s Reproductive Worship;“送白虎”——彝族生殖崇拜的巫术象征
6)Hikita Yoshitora曳田义虎
