
1.In Nature there is Life and Death ...“宇宙里有生有死……
2.There is no life- no life without its hunger.没有一个生命--没有生命是没有渴求的.
3.Hence the use of spies, of whom there are five classes: (1) Local spies; (2) inward spies; (3) converted spies;(4) doomed spies; (5) surviving spies.故用间有五:有因间,有内间,有反间,有死间,有生间。
4.He's never been abroad in his life.他有生以来没有出过国。
5.In Love there is Life and Death.爱情里也有死有生。”
6.effective strength"实额,有生力量"
7.These are primary school pupils and those are secondary school students.有小学生也有中学生。
8.Some students are lazy, but others beat their brains out and succeed.有的学生懒惰。但有的学生则苦思有成。
9.Those who have brains and courage come through all right.有胆有识的人死里逃生。
10.(biology) relating to or possessing a test or testa.(生)与介壳有关或有介壳。
11.Some people have goals in life.有些人的人生有目标。
12.the pain of loneliness.生活中有欢乐,也有痛苦。
13.Every tide have its ebb.潮水有涨落,人生有盛衰。
14.Every life has its roses and thorns.人的生活中有甜也有苦。
15.of or relating to living organisms.生物的或与生物有关的。
16.Infested with grubs.生蛆的有蛆虫寄生的
17.It can be fun to look Back on what you did in school.回忆学生生活是有趣的。
18.He was in peril (of his life).他有 (生命的) 危险。

generation within existence有中生有
1.Western literary discourse,based on logical thinking, follows the "generation within existence" cultural rules,highlighting the features of its density and precision.中国古代文论的话语以中国传统的整体思维为基础,遵循"无中生有"的文化规则,形成了深幽渺远的话语空间;西方文论的话语则是以逻辑思维为基础,遵循"有中生有"的文化规则,突出体现其密实精准的特性。
3)As a man lives so shall he die有生必有死
4)To have life; live.有生命;生存
5)harmful organism有害生物
1.Removal of harmful organisms using organobentonite;有机改性膨润土治理压载水有害生物的初步研究
2.Preliminary investigation on the major harmful organisms in mangroves;红树林主要有害生物调查初报
3.Based on the description of the present status of the harmful organisms to forestry and the occurrence characteristics in Yongsheng County,Yunnan Province,and in the light of analyzing on the weak points and critical situation for controlling the harmful organisms,the countermeasures and control strategy for harmful organisms to forestry production in this county were proposed.在阐述永胜县林业有害生物发生现状及特点、分析当前林业有害生物防治面临的严峻形势及薄弱环节的基础上,提出其防治策略。
1.Study on Pests Invading and Harassing Passengers in Train;旅客列车有害生物滋扰侵害乘客调查分析
2.Harmless Control Measure of Pest in Forest;森林有害生物无公害防治对策
3.Occurrence of poplar pests and their sustainable control techniques in Dongtinghu rgeion;洞庭湖区杨树有害生物的发生与可持续控制技术

有生1.有生机。 2.有生命者。 3.有生命。 4.生活;生存。 5.生来。