1.Studies on the Rhyme Dictionaries Which Yunjing Is Based on from a Comparison of Yunjing with Related Rhyme Dictionaries;从《韵镜》与相关韵书之比较看《韵镜》列字所依据的韵书
2.The Comparison Study of Phonetics on YunJing and QieYunZhiZhangTu;《韵镜》与《切韵指掌图》语音比较研究

1.On Phonology Transformation in"Guang Yun"and Phonology at Second and Third Grade in"Yun Jin;论《广韵》变韵与《韵镜》二、三等韵之关系
2.Viewing the Rhyme Dictionaries Based on Which Characters Were Covered in Yunjing(A Rhyme Mirrow) in Comparing Yunjing with the Other Related Rhyme Dictionaries in catalogue and Array Order从《韵镜》与相关韵书韵目及其排序之比较看《韵镜》列字所据之韵书
3.Studies on the Rhyme Dictionaries Which Yunjing Is Based on from a Comparison of Yunjing with Related Rhyme Dictionaries;从《韵镜》与相关韵书之比较看《韵镜》列字所依据的韵书
4.The Comparison Study of Phonetics on YunJing and QieYunZhiZhangTu;《韵镜》与《切韵指掌图》语音比较研究
5.The Evolution of the Opening and Closing of Dental Sound of a Series of the Rhyme Diagram of Yunjing in a Series of the Rhyme Diagram of Dengzi;《韵镜》一系韵图齿音开合在《等子》一系韵图中的演变
6.A Second Study on Kaihe(开合) Marked in Yunjing(韵镜) and Relevant Problems;《韵镜》所标“开合”及相关问题再研究
7.The Changes of Forms and Phonetics from YunJing to SiShengDengZi;从《韵镜》到《四声等子》等列的变迁与语音的演变
8.The Study on Yin-qie Comparison between Longkanshoujing and Guangyun;《龙龛手镜》与《广韵》音切比较研究
9.Courage and Insight, Taking Virtue and Intelligence in Concurrently , the Looks and Charm Standing Side by Side--Seen from Visual Angle that Women Show Loving Care for"JingHuaYuan";胆识与贤智兼收,才色与情韵并列——从女性关怀的视角看《镜花缘》
10.of or relating to measure.韵律的或与韵律有关的。
11."Long" rhymes with "song"."long"与"song"押韵。
12." Long" and" song" rhyme.long和song押韵。
13." House" rhymes with" mouse" .“House”与“mouse”同韵。
14." Bold" and" cold" are rhymes.“Bold”和“cold”同韵。
15.The Character of Ji Yun's Phonological System-from the Contrast of Ji Yun and Guang Yun从《集韵》与《广韵》小韵的比较看《集韵》音系的特点
16.Textual research to the syllables which were cut from <Guang-yun>By Chen Li <Qie-yun-kao>;陈澧《切韵考》所删《广韵》小韵考
17.A Study of Rhyming in Poetry and Prose in the Liang Dynasty;梁代诗文阳声韵入声韵用韵数理分析
18.On the Disparment and Combinableness of The Ge in the Series Books of Qieyun --The Comparison of the Fanqie about The Ge;《切韵》系韵书歌戈韵分合性质研究——歌戈韵在韵书中的反切比较

1.A Probe into the Edition of Yunjing (《韵镜》) Published by Beijing University Press;北大本《韵镜》的版本问题
3)special contributions《韵镜考》
1.The paper starts from the key items of YunJingKao (韵镜考), displays the author’s special contributions and his scientific foresight in academic study, and emphasizes the academic significance of YunJingKao (韵镜考).(日)大矢透《韵镜考》(1924)是中日《韵镜》研究史上具有里程碑意义的学术著作之一。
4)Yunjing Jiaozhu《韵镜校注》
1.Yunjing Jiaozhu(韵镜校注) by Long Yuchun(龙宇纯)is the first important work on the proofreeding of Yunjing(韵镜)engraved in the Yonglu(永禄) period .龙宇纯《韵镜校注》是我国第一部对永禄本《韵镜》进行校勘的力作,本文择其24条可商榷之处,进行了校正。
5)the prototype of Yunjing《韵镜》原型
6)The complement and correction of Yungjing Jiaozhu《韵镜校注》补正

《韵镜》  现存最早的两部等韵书之一(另一部为《七音略》)。作者不详。南宋张麟之《韵镜序》说该书原名叫《指微韵镜》。南宋郑樵《通志·七音略序》说:"臣初得《七音韵鉴》,一唱而三叹!"张麟之《韵镜序作》又说:"旧以翼祖讳'敬',故为《韵鉴》。今迁祧庙,复从本名。"从这里看来,这部书的祖本可能叫《韵镜》,前头也许有"七音"一类字样。此书本名犯了宋太祖赵匡胤祖父赵敬的讳,所以改字。赵匡胤一即位就追上高祖以下尊号。看来成书可能在五代。但是不可能比敦煌出的署名南梁汉比丘守温的三十字母卷子更早,因为《韵镜》里已经用三十六字母了。    《韵镜》于宋代流入日本,清末黎庶昌(1837~1897)又从日本得到一个本子,后头有日本人宣贤作的跋,署享禄元年(1528)。实际上却是永禄七年(1564)翻刻本。黎庶昌刻入《古逸丛书》,这才重新流行。    全书共分43个图。每个图前头有"内(外)转第××开(合)"字样(见图)。韵目用 206韵, 说明当时音系离《广韵》和它的派生体系不远,可以归并, 不用删改。只有蒸登职德放在全书最后。推测它的原因,可能是因为职德韵在闽南、客家两种方言里收[t],客家方言蒸登也收[n],跟正统《切韵》音和粤方言收[嬜]、[k]的不同。所以提出来放在最后。      见(等韵)。